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Professional Life of IAS Officers' Spouses



  • There is no social life when both husband and wife are professionals.

    I have many friends in Bangalore/Pune who are in IT/software sector and they very well narrate what is happening in the name of "women empowerment".

    One of my friends in Accenture tells that he had physical relations with her co-staff who is married and her husband is in ONGC. Her husband has blind faith in her and thinks that he is giving some sort of freedom to his wife to achieve her professional goals.

    But eventually if you would like to verify it, you can call up and ask any of your friends in such areas about what is happening there? There has been flood of such incidents in which wife living apart from her husband in other town is eventually making full use of her freedom, and their stupid husbands take pride in the feeling of giving their wives free hand in a society where free sex is on bloom.

    The friend i am telling about has just had a recent encounter (i.e. sex) with that girl (married) in Royal Orchid hotel in Bangalore. There are plenty of such incidents that are on rise and that is totally NATURAL because a woman today has multiple options to satisfy her lust if her husband is living outside.

    This is also the reason that educated and professional girls nowadays prefer those men to be their husbands who can give her FREEDOM because they know that such stupid men are a boon for them and they can enjoy this Freedom with any men of their liking....

    @all it feels great to read fellow aspirants reply to @Victor so nice to see such paradigm shift in way men view working women... More delightful is the way you all are standing up for a gender insensitive comment.. One thing is sure when you people crack the exam and enter the academy some positive changes will be induced in the way the world perceives women... Kudos to u all ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
    I started it.
    mai aap jaise hi internet kranti-kariyon ki bat kar raha tha..
    yar I had said only that all women r not like that. It depends upon person. A simillar statement to ur own comment.
  • @all Guys, Please keep your personal opinions about any gender (male/female/transgender) to yourselves. Don't pollute and send negative vibes to others.

    @moderators please, close this unhealthy discussion !! I think @rrb14 got enough inputs, he might be wondering what did I ask and what on earth is being discussed !!
    Will do.

This discussion has been closed.


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