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There is no social life when both husband and wife are professionals.
I have many friends in Bangalore/Pune who are in IT/software sector and they very well narrate what is happening in the name of "women empowerment".
One of my friends in Accenture tells that he had physical relations with her co-staff who is married and her husband is in ONGC. Her husband has blind faith in her and thinks that he is giving some sort of freedom to his wife to achieve her professional goals.
But eventually if you would like to verify it, you can call up and ask any of your friends in such areas about what is happening there? There has been flood of such incidents in which wife living apart from her husband in other town is eventually making full use of her freedom, and their stupid husbands take pride in the feeling of giving their wives free hand in a society where free sex is on bloom.
The friend i am telling about has just had a recent encounter (i.e. sex) with that girl (married) in Royal Orchid hotel in Bangalore. There are plenty of such incidents that are on rise and that is totally NATURAL because a woman today has multiple options to satisfy her lust if her husband is living outside.
This is also the reason that educated and professional girls nowadays prefer those men to be their husbands who can give her FREEDOM because they know that such stupid men are a boon for them and they can enjoy this Freedom with any men of their liking....
There is no social life when both husband and wife are professionals.
I have many friends in Bangalore/Pune who are in IT/software sector and they very well narrate what is happening in the name of "women empowerment".
One of my friends in Accenture tells that he had physical relations with her co-staff who is married and her husband is in ONGC. Her husband has blind faith in her and thinks that he is giving some sort of freedom to his wife to achieve her professional goals.
But eventually if you would like to verify it, you can call up and ask any of your friends in such areas about what is happening there? There has been flood of such incidents in which wife living apart from her husband in other town is eventually making full use of her freedom, and their stupid husbands take pride in the feeling of giving their wives free hand in a society where free sex is on bloom.
The friend i am telling about has just had a recent encounter (i.e. sex) with that girl (married) in Royal Orchid hotel in Bangalore. There are plenty of such incidents that are on rise and that is totally NATURAL because a woman today has multiple options to satisfy her lust if her husband is living outside.
This is also the reason that educated and professional girls nowadays prefer those men to be their husbands who can give her FREEDOM because they know that such stupid men are a boon for them and they can enjoy this Freedom with any men of their liking....
:-) Depends upon woman. Not all women are like that. I hv great faith in our Indian women.
bhai log, read all the comments , hmm quite impressive, but still i am not able to comment anything on it, neither i have become an IAS , nor i am a married guy. Yeah but , in one or two years both these incidents will going to happen with me . After that , i will be able to comment on it.
:-) Depends upon woman. Not all women are like that. I hv great faith in our Indian women.
I have never told that it is true for every woman. But it is very true for many women who are working professionals and whose husbands live in some other town because this gives a very freehand situation to them...
You can have great faith in anyone unless you look up at ground realities... because faith is mostly based on emotions and not on rationality...
If you get a service other than ias/ips her career prospects wont be hampered much as most probably u would be posted in an urban place where she too can find a good job in a top mnc(but your routine transfers may prove to be a hurdle)...however if you get ias/ips then you may be forced to live apart or else she would have to sacrifice her career....personally i would not advice a couple to live apart especially in first few years of marriage as physcial intimacy is must for a wholesome marriage plus also for its adverse impact on children...pls discuss it well with your wife as her career prospects are no less than yours...all the best.
I disagree. IFS doesn't pose a problem if your spouse if working for an MNC/TNC. You will be posted in cities where you spouse can be posted by his/her firm as well, and when in India, you're majorly going to be in Delhi. Very li'l problem.
Life is not all good after 10 years of service in the IAS/IPS. What if you are allocated least developed states as your cadre? Not everyone comes on Central Deputation and even if they do, that's 7 years at the outside. Thereafter, back to the cadre for cooling off- a minimum of 3 years.
Central Services are better in this regard. An IRS officer, or an IA&AS officer can spend his entire career in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore.
And although most people here are sceptical of a working spouse-civil servant duo, let me give you a few examples where things do work out.
1. Husband in the IFS, wife in Income Tax- managing well. 2. Husband in IPS, wife in IFS- happily married and bashing on. 3. Husband in the IAS, wife is the IFS topper of her batch- both couldn't be happier.
The spouse doesn't have to compromise his/her career after all. It's all about managing different situations and making things work.
Agree with Neanderthal..I am sure people are thriving well while at the same time serving the nation. But what prompted me to comment was @Victor : Dude, seriously what is your point out here ? Though your story applies the other way round as well (man betraying wife etc. and please, what do you mean by husband GIVING freedom to wives? ) but not getting into it. The discussion was a genuine query by rrb14. Let's not deviate into unnecessary stories of friends and generalize things based on them.
:-) Depends upon woman. Not all women are like that. I hv great faith in our Indian women.
I have never told that it is true for every woman. But it is very true for many women who are working professionals and whose husbands live in some other town because this gives a very freehand situation to them...
You can have great faith in anyone unless you look up at ground realities... because faith is mostly based on emotions and not on rationality...
It is not necessary if a person wants to cheat his/her partner has to be away for them to do it.. I also beg to differ from your comment that working women are more prone to cheating .. This is an extremely gender insensitive comment..and i hope @moderator has taken note ... I hope u reconsider your comment in future .. Male and female both have equal rights to work and live life it is extremely unfair to malign a particular gender with irresponsible comments ..
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You can have great faith in anyone unless you look up at ground realities... because faith is mostly based on emotions and not on rationality...
IAS/IPS mein after the initial ten years, it's all good.
Life is not all good after 10 years of service in the IAS/IPS. What if you are allocated least developed states as your cadre? Not everyone comes on Central Deputation and even if they do, that's 7 years at the outside. Thereafter, back to the cadre for cooling off- a minimum of 3 years.
Central Services are better in this regard. An IRS officer, or an IA&AS officer can spend his entire career in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore.
1. Husband in the IFS, wife in Income Tax- managing well.
2. Husband in IPS, wife in IFS- happily married and bashing on.
3. Husband in the IAS, wife is the IFS topper of her batch- both couldn't be happier.
The spouse doesn't have to compromise his/her career after all. It's all about managing different situations and making things work.