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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • Passed out in 2008& after 5.5 years job experience (in 3 diff.sectors)started preperation from nov 2013.cleared cse 2014 got IRTS ,taken extension (hoping to get ias but dont know what happened to my optional marks ) .But this time failed by very narrow margin 1-3 marks.
  • kuch bhi bolo lekin modi factor was a big blow to most serious candidates this time.
  • kuch bhi bolo lekin modi factor was a big blow to most serious candidates this time.
    #AccheDinn :)>-
  • @Tyrion_lanister......bhai ye tumhaara kon sa attempt hoga......?
  • @Tyrion_lanister......bhai ye tumhaara kon sa attempt hoga......?
    4th and final
  • @Tyrion_lanister......bhai ye tumhaara kon sa attempt hoga......?
    4th and final
    bhai... i don't know you.........but i salute your spirit because it can not be जोश like beginners.......truly bhai you are inspiring many to do hard work and making a strategy................thanks and good luck........ :)
  • selling vision mains test series (24 tests). Inbox me, if anyone needs.
  • my case(general candidate)
    2010:1st attempt.out in prelims as weak in optional(geography) which was different from my background subject.
    2011:2nd attempt.again out in pre pattern with csat.
    2012:3rd attempt.prepared csat like hell(non english,non hindi background,found comprehension part tough).cleared prelims but mains failed as underprepared in optionals(2 optional was in mains) due to utilisation of all enrgy in csat.
    2013:4th attempt.prepared both optional very well.sudden notification of mains pattern change before 2 months,preparation/time wasted in one optional went vain.eventhough cleared prelims again failed in mains.
    2014:5th attempt.cleared prelims as well as interview Diplomate Singh gave only 143,missed final by 33 marks.
    2015:6th (final) attempt.again pre changed.expecting 103.33 minimum after considering all doubtful negative.but out. ultimately result:Babaji ka thullu.
  • my case(general candidate)
    2010:1st attempt.out in prelims as weak in optional(geography) which was different from my background subject.
    2011:2nd attempt.again out in pre pattern with csat.
    2012:3rd attempt.prepared csat like hell(non english,non hindi background,found comprehension part tough).cleared prelims but mains failed as underprepared in optionals(2 optional was in mains) due to utilisation of all enrgy in csat.
    2013:4th attempt.prepared both optional very well.sudden notification of mains pattern change before 2 months,preparation/time wasted in one optional went vain.eventhough cleared prelims again failed in mains.
    2014:5th attempt.cleared prelims as well as interview Diplomate Singh gave only 143,missed final by 33 marks.
    2015:6th (final) attempt.again pre changed.expecting 103.33 minimum after considering all doubtful negative.but out. ultimately result:Babaji ka thullu.
    sir,felt sorry for you........ do you have any attempt left? and if not what is your plan ahead?

  • my case(general candidate)
    2010:1st attempt.out in prelims as weak in optional(geography) which was different from my background subject.
    2011:2nd attempt.again out in pre pattern with csat.
    2012:3rd attempt.prepared csat like hell(non english,non hindi background,found comprehension part tough).cleared prelims but mains failed as underprepared in optionals(2 optional was in mains) due to utilisation of all enrgy in csat.
    2013:4th attempt.prepared both optional very well.sudden notification of mains pattern change before 2 months,preparation/time wasted in one optional went vain.eventhough cleared prelims again failed in mains.
    2014:5th attempt.cleared prelims as well as interview Diplomate Singh gave only 143,missed final by 33 marks.
    2015:6th (final) attempt.again pre changed.expecting 103.33 minimum after considering all doubtful negative.but out. ultimately result:Babaji ka thullu.
    sir,felt sorry for you........ do you have any attempt left? and if not what is your plan ahead?

    no bro,no attempt i am in general category.
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