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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • This is our only life. Don't believe in reincarnations. This exam is our true love. Go again, go ahead, under all circumstances, and ready for any consequences.

    Thanking all aspirants
    Jai Hind
  • Guys I need your advice on a matter. Currently I m working in a bank. And next year will be my last attempt. Problem is that I am extremely sacked up in office politics. There are few sadistic people who are just looking for a chance to harass me somehow..i have used every tactics.. I generally treat every person with respect but that is being taken as weakness by these sadistic people and they have taken my mental peace. With this atmosphere I am unable to even think about studies. I want to study for apfc now.. But no solution is visible. I am a very polite person but somehow this is being seen as weakness. Your suggestion and experience in this matter will be highly appreciated.. Plz help
    i can understand your situation ... if you think your mental peace is robbed by those morons , then certainly it will affect your preparations -- it might turn into failing in xam . better skip from that place rather then wresting with those pigs , u can try below
    (1) find a similar job and move out
    (2) go on long term medical leave , dont think its unethical bank will not shut if ur absent -buit that might give u beter chance to prepare efficiently
    Yaar I too find tough to handle office politics!! It really drains a person especially when he/she is nice and talented.after suffering from politics myself I ll suggest to u be nasty if u r not going on leave though best thing is to tk leave.Bcoz handling politics will drain u and u can't skip it in office for sure!! I too need lessons in how to handle politics and losers in office!!!
  • sab Maya hai
  • Guys I need your advice on a matter. Currently I m working in a bank. And next year will be my last attempt. Problem is that I am extremely sacked up in office politics. There are few sadistic people who are just looking for a chance to harass me somehow..i have used every tactics.. I generally treat every person with respect but that is being taken as weakness by these sadistic people and they have taken my mental peace. With this atmosphere I am unable to even think about studies. I want to study for apfc now.. But no solution is visible. I am a very polite person but somehow this is being seen as weakness. Your suggestion and experience in this matter will be highly appreciated.. Plz help
    i can understand your situation ... if you think your mental peace is robbed by those morons , then certainly it will affect your preparations -- it might turn into failing in xam . better skip from that place rather then wresting with those pigs , u can try below
    (1) find a similar job and move out
    (2) go on long term medical leave , dont think its unethical bank will not shut if ur absent -buit that might give u beter chance to prepare efficiently
    Yaar I too find tough to handle office politics!! It really drains a person especially when he/she is nice and talented.after suffering from politics myself I ll suggest to u be nasty if u r not going on leave though best thing is to tk leave.Bcoz handling politics will drain u and u can't skip it in office for sure!! I too need lessons in how to handle politics and losers in office!!!
    act like dump before them , they will not tease you otherwise they will try to bring you down to their level . do some ass licking and after exam kick their ass
  • I work in an oil & gas maharatna for last 2 yrs.......This is my 2nd attempt and could not clear prelims this time. My colleagues and boss know about my prep and keep asking me how is my prep. I am devastated.....I have been the worst performer in my batch and have fought with several seniors who wanted me to lick their boots. I don't know what to do nxt. Either to leave the job to prep for nxt yr or continue in the shithole.

    I just have 1 hope of APFC.....

    wat to do..........?
    bro when is the APFC exam?
    apfc may be conducted on 6th dec or 27th dec........
    6th dec ko to state pcs ka pre hai 27th ko hi ho toh accha hai
    agar up lower ki baat kr rhe ho to uski date change ho gai 27th dec...check website...
    kaha hai bhai website pe?
    up lower is now on 27th Dec.
  • upsc ditched me again.....i couldn't clear prelim itself for third consecutive tym....even though all were my serious attempts..have gone through almost every source which is it hindu,survey,budget,yearbook,ncerts,ca,otherbasic books..don't know what went wrong....again and again i am missing the cutoff by 3-4 marks....i am preparing from home....plz guide me guys what to do.... situations are forcing me to quit upsc and move on in lyf.....but a voice deep down inside me is telling me i am not done me guys...
    You r bit lucky than me.. Becz I have given 5 attempts with all hard work and every time missed by 2-8 marks....
    I am nothing before you... You can understand the level of frustration inside me...I m not able to face my family and my friends who always thought I can do it but wonder ki why I m not able to clear prelims... This is really a harassment from 2011...
    As per my suggestion, study while keeping syllabus with. Go through previous yeats paper time and again , read carefully all question, try to understand pattern of questions, then study. U will definitelydefinitely and surely get succuss in 2016.
  • I have been preparing for this exam from 2002 4th of august till 12oct 2015 .from obc category finally I am packing my books and my dream do not know what to do .till 12oct I have a work to study or at least to show I am studying. But today I am free as if my existence do not matter
    My dear never ever give up

    Abraham linkan failed 17 times
    But finally become president of America
  • I have been preparing for this exam from 2002 4th of august till 12oct 2015 .from obc category finally I am packing my books and my dream do not know what to do .till 12oct I have a work to study or at least to show I am studying. But today I am free as if my existence do not matter
    My dear never ever give up

    Abraham linkan failed 17 times
    But finally become president of America
    seek suggestion from successful candidates, try to bring change in ur study pattern. U will definitely win dear

  • Guys I need your advice on a matter. Currently I m working in a bank. And next year will be my last attempt. Problem is that I am extremely sacked up in office politics. There are few sadistic people who are just looking for a chance to harass me somehow..i have used every tactics.. I generally treat every person with respect but that is being taken as weakness by these sadistic people and they have taken my mental peace. With this atmosphere I am unable to even think about studies. I want to study for apfc now.. But no solution is visible. I am a very polite person but somehow this is being seen as weakness. Your suggestion and experience in this matter will be highly appreciated.. Plz help
    i can understand your situation ... if you think your mental peace is robbed by those morons , then certainly it will affect your preparations -- it might turn into failing in xam . better skip from that place rather then wresting with those pigs , u can try below
    (1) find a similar job and move out
    (2) go on long term medical leave , dont think its unethical bank will not shut if ur absent -buit that might give u beter chance to prepare efficiently
    Yaar I too find tough to handle office politics!! It really drains a person especially when he/she is nice and talented.after suffering from politics myself I ll suggest to u be nasty if u r not going on leave though best thing is to tk leave.Bcoz handling politics will drain u and u can't skip it in office for sure!! I too need lessons in how to handle politics and losers in office!!!
    act like dump before them , they will not tease you otherwise they will try to bring you down to their level . do some ass licking and after exam kick their ass
    Its so bang on.Acting lil dumb and performing avg definitely helps though I find licking ass tough : D
  • edited October 2015
    Kaash koi gf aajaye life mein..after recent debacle I feel it good idea to do this? People say one should learn and explore new things in life..ofcourse continue preparing for upsc...batao aap log..banana chahiye gf? If yes, kaha sey shuru karu? It is not easy to have a gf, first a girl should like you. In my case, I think girls don't give a I am so shy and don't speak much with anyone forget girls.
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