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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • @simr_2015

    Simran read one of your last posts,
    Actually even I am ready for it...

    But I'll be free after writing mains only, that is December.... Tab tak rukna padega tumhe...
    Congrats in advance... Alpha88...
    :D r u and rehmania same by any chance :p
    No :D
    Good even I m not simran,wait will call Isha :D
    Name is not important, feeling is :x
    Chalo all the best :) mains me for dena :)
    Thanks :)

    Just want to share something,
    I have gone through same thing (your signature), can't say situation was same, but yeah feelings were same..., worst period of my life.., don't wanna remember also.., n i don't blame anyone also, because everyone has right to take decision,what he thinks is better for her or him...

    But I'll say don't generalize things because of one experience, though it's difficult to forget those things, but life moves on,
    no one waits for anyone, its our life n we have to make it beautiful, n life is beautiful, its just how we see things n we deserve a chance to live, to wait for someone, to depend on someone, to love n obviously to fight with someone..

    Again same thing I'll repeat, (for all)

    Jeevan main ek pyala tha,
    Humne tan man de dala tha,
    Woh toot gaya so toot gaya...

    Madhushala kii aangan ko dekho,
    Kitne pyale hilate hain, hil mitti main mil jaate hain..,
    par tute hue pyalo par kab madhushalai shok manata hain...
    Jo beet gaya so beet gaya...

    Bless you, be strong n open... Love you... :)>-

    Simran read one of your last posts,
    Actually even I am ready for it...

    But I'll be free after writing mains only, that is December.... Tab tak rukna padega tumhe...
    Congrats in advance... Alpha88...
    :D r u and rehmania same by any chance :p
    No :D
    Good even I m not simran,wait will call Isha :D
    Name is not important, feeling is :x
    Chalo all the best :) mains me for dena :)
    Thanks :)

    Just want to share something,
    I have gone through same thing (your signature), can't say situation was same, but yeah feelings were same..., worst period of my life.., don't wanna remember also.., n i don't blame anyone also, because everyone has right to take decision,what he thinks is better for her or him...

    But I'll say don't generalize things because of one experience, though it's difficult to forget those things, but life moves on,
    no one waits for anyone, its our life n we have to make it beautiful, n life is beautiful, its just how we see things n we deserve a chance to live, to wait for someone, to depend on someone, to love n obviously to fight with someone..

    Again same thing I'll repeat, (for all)

    Jeevan main ek pyala tha,
    Humne tan man de dala tha,
    Woh toot gaya so toot gaya...

    Madhushala kii aangan ko dekho,
    Kitne pyale hilate hain, hil mitti main mil jaate hain..,
    par tute hue pyalo par kab madhushalai shok manata hain...
    Jo beet gaya so beet gaya...

    Bless you, be strong n open... Love you... :)>-
    Thanks for the post.Actually my signature misled I think people.I am very forgiving person and I think everyone has right to take calls to make their life better though it can prove fatal for somebody else still OK acceptable.What I find tough to forgive is when someone is moving on from one stage to another but trying to hold somebody else life unnecessarily. I think I have forgiven long and ignored long now tough to ignore as my most imp wish is at stake!! Anyway love to u tc
  • Guys I need your advice on a matter. Currently I m working in a bank. And next year will be my last attempt. Problem is that I am extremely sacked up in office politics. There are few sadistic people who are just looking for a chance to harass me somehow..i have used every tactics.. I generally treat every person with respect but that is being taken as weakness by these sadistic people and they have taken my mental peace. With this atmosphere I am unable to even think about studies. I want to study for apfc now.. But no solution is visible. I am a very polite person but somehow this is being seen as weakness. Your suggestion and experience in this matter will be highly appreciated.. Plz help
  • I work in an oil & gas maharatna for last 2 yrs.......This is my 2nd attempt and could not clear prelims this time. My colleagues and boss know about my prep and keep asking me how is my prep. I am devastated.....I have been the worst performer in my batch and have fought with several seniors who wanted me to lick their boots. I don't know what to do nxt. Either to leave the job to prep for nxt yr or continue in the shithole.

    I just have 1 hope of APFC.....

    wat to do..........?
    bro when is the APFC exam?
    apfc may be conducted on 6th dec or 27th dec........
    6th dec ko to state pcs ka pre hai 27th ko hi ho toh accha hai
    agar up lower ki baat kr rhe ho to uski date change ho gai 27th dec...check website...
    kaha hai bhai website pe?
  • I cried for 2 weeks, when mains 2014 result came out this april which I was hoping to clear.. After 2 weeks, started my mains revision for 2015 and set a strong foundation for mains before July. Then started my Prelims preparation sincerely. Prelims date came, after finishing exam, I was really happy at my performance... After checking keys, one after the other, my simple stupid mistakes came to light... But still had confidence of clearing Prelims (Note: Some Stupid mistakes - 1. Thought Badruddin Tyabji as brother of Dadabhai Naoroji because of similarity in sounding even though I know he is a Muslim. 2. Command Area Development & water efficiency - Thought of water sprinkler system. One of my gravest mistake. 3. Thoght teak as bamboo - I don't know where my mind went while answering that question. 4. CPI - IW question, did not read industrial workers part and marked answer DEA instead of labour bureau) These are just sample questions, still 10 more are there for which I know the answers 100% but gave wrong answers.. Scoring around 99-101(OBC).. Couldn't not clear.. Scored 122 in GS(Prelims) in 2014... Simple paper, grave mistakes. I think my greed to write IFOS mains (for which also I prepared optionals) did me to attempt more questions for which I'm not sure of correct answer
  • After going through the posts here on this tread, I have to put this before I leave this place-

    Its been an end of a journey of almost 5 years now, wrote 3 mains but could not go any further. Gave my first attempt in college final year and have been preparing with job ever since. I had worked hard for my last attempt this year but the moment I came out of the examination hall this time, I knew I had messed it up. I got sucked in by the sitters spread all over the paper and ended up attempting 95 questions. I knew I was doomed but was still hoping to scrap through. I was getting 96 to 104 and did not qualify.

    All these years, I have lived a double life. I used all my leaves for this exam going home only once a year, missed many functions at home, had lunch in 10-15 min to get that extra hour in office.

    I have failed not because I did not put in all my effort but because there are others more deserving. I always believe what ever happens, happens for good.

    There are others things in life I want to do now - doing better at my job, continue reading books which I love, win prizes in quizzes, lots of them and taking care of my parents who have allowed me to live this dream for 5 years, even though I have failed here. In India, not every child gets to live his/her dream.

    My unrequited love with UPSC ends but I am ready to fall in love, all over again with my next passion.

    Life goes on.. bye tc :)
    Your story resembles with mine .
    I also used to take small break in my office and go to library read my newspaper there , not going to team outings , skipping many birthday parties of friends, not going to home for over a year.

    But what is good to read , you want to give your 100% efforts in your future endeavors, live a new life , start performing in office , taking care of parents.

    It is really refreshing and inspirational to read such a positive post.

    Are you in IT sector, by any chance ?

    Good luck in all your future efforts and you keep on serving this country in your own way.
  • @Roadtrip are you working in public sector or a pvt sector bank. I would not suggest quitting and preparing because there is no guarantee of success on doing that. Only your preparation will be more focused which I guess you have been doing all these years. So quitting job should be avoided provided you have some strong back up support. Regarding office politics it normal thing. Most places its like that. Even in Western countries.
    So continue doing what you do. Dont retaliate, dont seem to be bothered too unless someone literally gets into physical fight with you. Maybe they will stop pestering you one day when they realise that you simply dont care. If it gets too much and they openly seem to be hurting you then directly confront them and ask them what is their problem and why are they being mean to you.
    Regarding APFC exam remember around 10 to 12 questions will be from Labour related laws. Just make sure you read them. It will be helpful. Rest will be normal GS and QT which I guess you must be proficient in.
  • @roadahead thanks a lot.. By the way I have been in apfc interview.. Thanks for replying
  • Great and I know some one who is an APFC
  • Guys I need your advice on a matter. Currently I m working in a bank. And next year will be my last attempt. Problem is that I am extremely sacked up in office politics. There are few sadistic people who are just looking for a chance to harass me somehow..i have used every tactics.. I generally treat every person with respect but that is being taken as weakness by these sadistic people and they have taken my mental peace. With this atmosphere I am unable to even think about studies. I want to study for apfc now.. But no solution is visible. I am a very polite person but somehow this is being seen as weakness. Your suggestion and experience in this matter will be highly appreciated.. Plz help
    i can understand your situation ... if you think your mental peace is robbed by those morons , then certainly it will affect your preparations -- it might turn into failing in xam . better skip from that place rather then wresting with those pigs , u can try below
    (1) find a similar job and move out
    (2) go on long term medical leave , dont think its unethical bank will not shut if ur absent -buit that might give u beter chance to prepare efficiently
  • image
    Cats gonna adopt u :)
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