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Woah... 2 days since the results are out and you are thinking of having a gf as a relief??? Hehehe... I dont think that when ppl say ''come on yaar... dont loose heart...find a gf... get a life"I dont think they are prescribing any medicines to get out of your despair... That sounds just like a cliche.. Still I hope some desperate (girl) soul might be in same situation as you are and might reciprocate your feelings...Still that is a long shot,I guess. No hard feelings please. You should be spending time with your good friends for a while, then once things cool down, get back into the battle.. win the battle then think about a gf All the best
Kaash koi gf aajaye life mein..after recent debacle I feel it good idea to do this? People say one should learn and explore new things in life..ofcourse continue preparing for upsc...batao aap log..banana chahiye gf? If yes, kaha sey shuru karu? It is not easy to have a gf, first a girl should like you. In my case, I think girls don't give a I am so shy and don't speak much with anyone forget girls.
1. Be a drunkard and live life like a pathetic loser... Ppl usually become that 2. Dont be a drunkard..still live like a miserable soul 3. Realise that there is a bigger exam which is life... Prove that you are a fighter.... Today even ppl who run small business get paid more than a Software Engg/Gov servant.... Fight it out and be a winner... Make yourself proud
Last thing..this is not a request... this is an order(kidding) If ever you succeed following option 3, please visit back at this forum and be a motivation for others... All the best and my prayers with you
I have been preparing for this exam from 2002 4th of august till 12oct 2015 .from obc category finally I am packing my books and my dream do not know what to do .till 12oct I have a work to study or at least to show I am studying. But today I am free as if my existence do not matter
My dear never ever give up
Abraham linkan failed 17 times But finally become president of America
seek suggestion from successful candidates, try to bring change in ur study pattern. U will definitely win dear
upsc ditched me again.....i couldn't clear prelim itself for third consecutive tym....even though all were my serious attempts..have gone through almost every source which is it hindu,survey,budget,yearbook,ncerts,ca,otherbasic books..don't know what went wrong....again and again i am missing the cutoff by 3-4 marks....i am preparing from home....plz guide me guys what to do.... situations are forcing me to quit upsc and move on in lyf.....but a voice deep down inside me is telling me i am not done me guys...
You r bit lucky than me.. Becz I have given 5 attempts with all hard work and every time missed by 2-8 marks.... I am nothing before you... You can understand the level of frustration inside me...I m not able to face my family and my friends who always thought I can do it but wonder ki why I m not able to clear prelims... This is really a harassment from 2011...
As per my suggestion, study while keeping syllabus with. Go through previous yeats paper time and again , read carefully all question, try to understand pattern of questions, then study. U will definitelydefinitely and surely get succuss in 2016.
Don't study too much buddy. Focus on ncert only. Make weekly plans. Show it to some seniors n take their guidance. Studying more is not a solution, studying exact things is. Start reading hindu from February next year. Till that time compete optional n all static part. Make notes of ncert. About 45 ncerts we have to read. Don't touch books from which u won't remember (like yearbook) cost benefit do not permit us. Don't read survey more than once. As for exam, solve all insights papers. This time abt 50 60 questions were repeated. Plan whole exercise. Don't touch any magazines as its a waste. Learn elimination techniques for solving they help a lot. First thing u do is open pre paper. See each question. Find why it came in exam. Then find its source. Then mention the reason as to why you got the answer wrong or why u didnt attempt. If reasin is that you didn't know the source then diversify ur reading. If reason is that u didnt remember it bt u had read it then increase revisions. First find the problem and then find solutions. Dont use much internet. It gives u information bt not knowledge. It never teaches u how to eliminate options. (My opinion). It makes u dull.
Make notes of all ncert. had u made it In first attempt u would have saved precious time now. Remember no matter what, we are always here to help u. (After failing in pre for 2 yrs i followed this strategy n score 120+this year. My mistake ws i didn't ask for guidance )
Hello every 1. Its very dishearting to see lots of deserving candidates are out. You guys will definitely clear it.God will definitely help u all. Common this is not the end of the world.Remember Try Try Try n then Try until we succeed..Cheer up.. This was my 2nd attempt and havent cleared pre
So guys illuminate me also please. Show me the I am also in dilemma.
I am 29+, unmarried and working in psu bank near mumbai. I gave my first attempt in 2014 after taking leave of 2.5 months by giving medical. I couldnt clear it that time. As UPSC was my dream and always wanted to pursue it. But I started preparation very late cuz of lots problem in my family + I wanted to take job first cuz all my frnds had taken the job. As i got the job in bank at the age of 25. I was very happy at first. But 2 years or so. Life gave me the chance to prepare for UPSC. I started prepartion and gave my 1st attempt in 2014 by applying medical leave for 2.5 months. I missed by 14 numbers. Got 190. Then i finally decided that i will go for my dream once again.As i dont wanted to suffer later that i didnt take chances. So taken the BIG RISK taking leave without informing bank from November 2014 and prepared from home. My bank sent me approx 2-3 letters asking me to join. I cannot get for such a long time medical and in september(last month) they have put some ARTICLE OF CHARGES against me asking ki why dont we take disciplinary action against you and asked for reply within 1 month ie by 25 october. 1. Now I am in dilemma whether at age 29+ whether i should resign and prepare for next attempt considering ki i have not cleared pre twice??
2. Since I have completed my probabtion. Will they kick me out of the bank as i have taken leave of approx 1 year.
3. Shall i report my bank and join it now. If i go my office this week for reporting they will definitely scold me like hell i know + What should I reply to those ARTICLE OF CHARGES and if i report this week will they say that you have no place in this bank?
Is any 1 facing same situation here like me?
What should I do. Please show me some light frnds.
Hello every 1. Its very dishearting to see lots of deserving candidates are out. You guys will definitely clear it.God will definitely help u all. Common this is not the end of the world.Remember Try Try Try n then Try until we succeed..Cheer up.. This was my 2nd attempt and havent cleared pre
So guys illuminate me also please. Show me the I am also in dilemma.
I am 29+, unmarried and working in psu bank near mumbai. I gave my first attempt in 2014 after taking leave of 2.5 months by giving medical. I couldnt clear it that time. As UPSC was my dream and always wanted to pursue it. But I started preparation very late cuz of lots problem in my family + I wanted to take job first cuz all my frnds had taken the job. As i got the job in bank at the age of 25. I was very happy at first. But 2 years or so. Life gave me the chance to prepare for UPSC. I started prepartion and gave my 1st attempt in 2014 by applying medical leave for 2.5 months. I missed by 14 numbers. Got 190. Then i finally decided that i will go for my dream once again.As i dont wanted to suffer later that i didnt take chances. So taken the BIG RISK taking leave without informing bank from November 2014 and prepared from home. My bank sent me approx 2-3 letters asking me to join. I cannot get for such a long time medical and in september(last month) they have put some ARTICLE OF CHARGES against me asking ki why dont we take disciplinary action against you and asked for reply within 1 month ie by 25 october. 1. Now I am in dilemma whether at age 29+ whether i should resign and prepare for next attempt considering ki i have not cleared pre twice??
2. Since I have completed my probabtion. Will they kick me out of the bank as i have taken leave of approx 1 year.
3. Shall i report my bank and join it now. If i go my office this week for reporting they will definitely scold me like hell i know + What should I reply to those ARTICLE OF CHARGES and if i report this week will they say that you have no place in this bank?
Is any 1 facing same situation here like me?
What should I do. Please show me some light frnds.
Thank you
what is the medical condition you told them ?
as long as you have proper medical certificates which they can't prove as wrong , you are safe .
i would suggest you join them back , in case you don't report them back after mutliple reminders , they can terminate you and which could further spoil you r relieving certificate .
I have given them 1.5 months medical certificate only last year. No doctor gave me more than 1.5 months certificate. After which they didnt replied anything. So i informed from my side that i ll join soon thinking that whether my bank has forgotten me. So got 3 letters back to back in these 2 months and they had put article of charges and some disciplinary committe will decide my case after 25th october. Sir can they terminate me in this month as i have not done heinous crime like fraud or whether they will demote me/wihheld my promotion for such act
Hello every 1. Its very dishearting to see lots of deserving candidates are out. You guys will definitely clear it.God will definitely help u all. Common this is not the end of the world.Remember Try Try Try n then Try until we succeed..Cheer up.. This was my 2nd attempt and havent cleared pre
So guys illuminate me also please. Show me the I am also in dilemma.
I am 29+, unmarried and working in psu bank near mumbai. I gave my first attempt in 2014 after taking leave of 2.5 months by giving medical. I couldnt clear it that time. As UPSC was my dream and always wanted to pursue it. But I started preparation very late cuz of lots problem in my family + I wanted to take job first cuz all my frnds had taken the job. As i got the job in bank at the age of 25. I was very happy at first. But 2 years or so. Life gave me the chance to prepare for UPSC. I started prepartion and gave my 1st attempt in 2014 by applying medical leave for 2.5 months. I missed by 14 numbers. Got 190. Then i finally decided that i will go for my dream once again.As i dont wanted to suffer later that i didnt take chances. So taken the BIG RISK taking leave without informing bank from November 2014 and prepared from home. My bank sent me approx 2-3 letters asking me to join. I cannot get for such a long time medical and in september(last month) they have put some ARTICLE OF CHARGES against me asking ki why dont we take disciplinary action against you and asked for reply within 1 month ie by 25 october. 1. Now I am in dilemma whether at age 29+ whether i should resign and prepare for next attempt considering ki i have not cleared pre twice??
2. Since I have completed my probabtion. Will they kick me out of the bank as i have taken leave of approx 1 year.
3. Shall i report my bank and join it now. If i go my office this week for reporting they will definitely scold me like hell i know + What should I reply to those ARTICLE OF CHARGES and if i report this week will they say that you have no place in this bank?
Is any 1 facing same situation here like me?
What should I do. Please show me some light frnds.
Thank you
Join immediately. UPSC is a gamble.Losing a job at this age will cost you dearly.Try to manage medical certificate if you can. Showing medical ground would be safest.They won't kick you out if you join now and reply to those charges.But they can take other disciplinary action.You will definitely face tough situation after joining but they can't show you the door without listening you.
Upsc seems to be one of the most unaccountable body in the country. It still has not able to get out of the colonial hangover and suffers from unwarranted superiority complex , typical of british era bureaucracy . If all other exam conducting bodies can declare cut off and marks obtained at each stage with declaration of result of that stage, then why not upsc? And better not to talk about the randomness in the mains exam. Actually this randomness or unpredictabilty is nothing but manifestation of unaccountability, lack of transparency and insincerity on part of upsc. This is akin to playing with future of genuine candidates. Its time that the upsc itself follows some transparency, accountability and morality that it so vehemently recommends for the candidates. Seriously, i sometime ponder whether it is worth so many years to pursue this exam which in reality may not be more than a gamble.
Upsc seems to be one of the most unaccountable body in the country. It still has not able to get out of the colonial hangover and suffers from unwarranted superiority complex , typical of british era bureaucracy . If all other exam conducting bodies can declare cut off and marks obtained at each stage with declaration of result of that stage, then why not upsc? And better not to talk about the randomness in the mains exam. Actually this randomness or unpredictabilty is nothing but manifestation of unaccountability, lack of transparency and insincerity on part of upsc. This is akin to playing with future of genuine candidates. Its time that the upsc itself follows some transparency, accountability and morality that it so vehemently recommends for the candidates. Seriously, i sometime ponder whether it is worth so many years to pursue this exam which in reality may not be more than a gamble.
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No hard feelings please. You should be spending time with your good friends for a while, then once things cool down, get back into the battle.. win the battle then think about a gf All the best
1. Be a drunkard and live life like a pathetic loser... Ppl usually become that
2. Dont be a drunkard..still live like a miserable soul
3. Realise that there is a bigger exam which is life... Prove that you are a fighter.... Today even ppl who run small business get paid more than a Software Engg/Gov servant.... Fight it out and be a winner... Make yourself proud
Last thing..this is not a request... this is an order(kidding)
As for exam, solve all insights papers. This time abt 50 60 questions were repeated. Plan whole exercise. Don't touch any magazines as its a waste. Learn elimination techniques for solving they help a lot.
First thing u do is open pre paper. See each question. Find why it came in exam. Then find its source. Then mention the reason as to why you got the answer wrong or why u didnt attempt. If reasin is that you didn't know the source then diversify ur reading. If reason is that u didnt remember it bt u had read it then increase revisions. First find the problem and then find solutions.
Dont use much internet. It gives u information bt not knowledge. It never teaches u how to eliminate options. (My opinion). It makes u dull.
Make notes of all ncert. had u made it In first attempt u would have saved precious time now.
Remember no matter what, we are always here to help u.
(After failing in pre for 2 yrs i followed this strategy n score 120+this year. My mistake ws i didn't ask for guidance )
So guys illuminate me also please. Show me the I am also in dilemma.
I am 29+, unmarried and working in psu bank near mumbai. I gave my first attempt in 2014 after taking leave of 2.5 months by giving medical.
I couldnt clear it that time. As UPSC was my dream and always wanted to pursue it. But I started preparation very late cuz of lots problem in my family + I wanted to take job first cuz all my frnds had taken the job. As i got the job in bank at the age of 25. I was very happy at first. But 2 years or so. Life gave me the chance to prepare for UPSC. I started prepartion and gave my 1st attempt in 2014 by applying medical leave for 2.5 months. I missed by 14 numbers. Got 190.
Then i finally decided that i will go for my dream once again.As i dont wanted to suffer later that i didnt take chances. So taken the BIG RISK taking leave without informing bank from November 2014 and prepared from home. My bank sent me approx 2-3 letters asking me to join. I cannot get for such a long time medical and in september(last month) they have put some ARTICLE OF CHARGES against me asking ki why dont we take disciplinary action against you and asked for reply within 1 month ie by 25 october.
1. Now I am in dilemma whether at age 29+ whether i should resign and prepare for next attempt considering ki i have not cleared pre twice??
2. Since I have completed my probabtion. Will they kick me out of the bank as i have taken leave of approx 1 year.
3. Shall i report my bank and join it now. If i go my office this week for reporting they will definitely scold me like hell i know + What should I reply to those ARTICLE OF CHARGES and if i report this week will they say that you have no place in this bank?
Is any 1 facing same situation here like me?
What should I do. Please show me some light frnds.
Thank you
as long as you have proper medical certificates which they can't prove as wrong , you are safe .
i would suggest you join them back , in case you don't report them back after mutliple reminders , they can terminate you and which could further spoil you r relieving certificate .
I have given them 1.5 months medical certificate only last year. No doctor gave me more than 1.5 months certificate. After which they didnt replied anything. So i informed from my side that i ll join soon thinking that whether my bank has forgotten me. So got 3 letters back to back in these 2 months and they had put article of charges and some disciplinary committe will decide my case after 25th october. Sir can they terminate me in this month as i have not done heinous crime like fraud or whether they will demote me/wihheld my promotion for such act