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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • I work in an oil & gas maharatna for last 2 yrs.......This is my 2nd attempt and could not clear prelims this time. My colleagues and boss know about my prep and keep asking me how is my prep. I am devastated.....I have been the worst performer in my batch and have fought with several seniors who wanted me to lick their boots. I don't know what to do nxt. Either to leave the job to prep for nxt yr or continue in the shithole.

    I just have 1 hope of APFC.....

    wat to do..........?
    bro when is the APFC exam?
    apfc may be conducted on 6th dec or 27th dec........
  • I work in an oil & gas maharatna for last 2 yrs.......This is my 2nd attempt and could not clear prelims this time. My colleagues and boss know about my prep and keep asking me how is my prep. I am devastated.....I have been the worst performer in my batch and have fought with several seniors who wanted me to lick their boots. I don't know what to do nxt. Either to leave the job to prep for nxt yr or continue in the shithole.

    I just have 1 hope of APFC.....

    wat to do..........?
    bro when is the APFC exam?
    apfc may be conducted on 6th dec or 27th dec........
    6th dec ko to state pcs ka pre hai 27th ko hi ho toh accha hai
  • @Dukhiya have you made up your mind for next attempt?

    started preparing..though with a heavy heart
  • upsc ditched me again.....i couldn't clear prelim itself for third consecutive tym....even though all were my serious attempts..have gone through almost every source which is it hindu,survey,budget,yearbook,ncerts,ca,otherbasic books..don't know what went wrong....again and again i am missing the cutoff by 3-4 marks....i am preparing from home....plz guide me guys what to do.... situations are forcing me to quit upsc and move on in lyf.....but a voice deep down inside me is telling me i am not done me guys...
  • Those who have appeared 3 or more attempts should seriously look for other avenues.Prepare with some job.Be rational..its more important then motivation...only a few candidates make it to the final better take a balance decision.
  • Those who have appeared 3 or more attempts should seriously look for other avenues.Prepare with some job.Be rational..its more important then motivation...only a few candidates make it to the final better take a balance decision.
    are you giving another attempt? do you have a job?
  • edited October 2015
    upsc ditched me again.....i couldn't clear prelim itself for third consecutive tym....even though all were my serious attempts..have gone through almost every source which is it hindu,survey,budget,yearbook,ncerts,ca,otherbasic books..don't know what went wrong....again and again i am missing the cutoff by 3-4 marks....i am preparing from home....plz guide me guys what to do.... situations are forcing me to quit upsc and move on in lyf.....but a voice deep down inside me is telling me i am not done me guys... has questions of all upsc exams , with your preparation experience so far ,solve questiosn there and see if you are able to score at least > 50% (bcs prelims u need to be more than 50% ) . after doing this then measure where your gaps are and then correct accordingly , if you are not able to correct 50% on previous questions then how can u expect to get more than 50% on future paper ? do this excerice for another 15 days during this retrospection before plunging yourself in insane preparation again which may again yield faliure
  • Dear all,

    I have been a member here since a year, although had to make another account to write down my story. The only purpose of this story is to request all of you to understand that despite all the setbacks that one may face, one must never quit.
    Coming to me, I was a Gentleman Cadet at one of the pre-commissioning academies of the Indian Army. Just a few months before commissioning, I felt severe pain in my back which later turned out to be a spinal problem. I was made to reappear in front of Medical Board which did not consider me fit to be an Officer in the Army and there ended a childhood dream of becoming a soldier in the Army. I was shattered to say the least if I were to describe what I went through.
    However, I had a choice: either to cry about it for rest of my life or to reconsider my priorities and move on with my life. I chose the latter and decided to write CSE because at the end of the day, it was about making our country a better place to live. Did my share of hard work and appeared this year but didn't pass.
    There is one thing amongst many that I had learnt in the Academy which is winning is a conscious decision that we make to ourselves every single day and in order to achieve whatever little targets that we make, the only thing we require is a positive mind. I can give you hundred examples of mind taking over body but the best I can explain it is in the words of Rudyard Kipling, whose poem If had been our guiding light in the Academy - "If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone; And so hold on when there is nothing in you, Except the will which says to them, Hold On."
    Friends, I have failed this Prelims too and had felt very bad about it. But it doesn't end there, I had taken it as just another failure that I'd faced in past and have chosen to win and I'm sure I will, sooner or later (God willing).
    Please believe in yourself and don't let any outside influence shake your confidence, don't let any fear creep in your mind. Believe that you can do and you will. Make a choice, set a goal and respect it. You can't wander aimlessly around and still expect something.

    So, for all of us who have attempts left and are willing to give it our all, please don't let any fear creep in your mind. Learn, laugh and live and don't ever quit. We are all in the sea of uncertainty and no one has ever found a land without sailing for unthinkable times. For the seniors who are over with their attempts, I'm sure you have gained enough experience and knowledge to make it big in life and trust me, inside services or outside will cease to matter once you make it large in life.

    I hope I had not disrespected anyone. If I did, apologies in advance. The sole purpose of my long comment here is to tell you that life doesn't end here. We just need to see what had gone wrong and correct it. And in the end, it pays to be a winner. You will all laugh over this thread many years from now. (Take my words).

    Good luck to all of us.

  • Those who have appeared 3 or more attempts should seriously look for other avenues.Prepare with some job.Be rational..its more important then motivation...only a few candidates make it to the final better take a balance decision.
    are you giving another attempt? do you have a job?
    Well I am working in public sector insurance company for the last 3 years. Was working as a PO in a PSB before that. Left the PO job in 2009and started preparing for Civil services. Have cleared prelims in all my earlier attempts. I am not left with any attempt now.

    I left MBA from MDI after scoring 99 percentile in CAT 2008. That was the worst decision I made considering the fact that I am not from a good engineering college.

    I know UPSC demands dedication.One needs to put everything aside. But tell me aren't 3 attempts more than enough to judge ourselves on this platform.I mean one can prepare with some job too after that. Wasting 5-6 years for UPSC preparation without any other alternatives is plain stupidity rather than dedication, motivation whatsoever..
  • I have been preparing for this exam from 2002 4th of august till 12oct 2015 .from obc category finally I am packing my books and my dream do not know what to do .till 12oct I have a work to study or at least to show I am studying. But today I am free as if my existence do not matter
    Are u in some job?

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