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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • The guy, who used to do newspaper 'Hindu' analysis in insights on India, used to teach in vajiram ..ram babu..I think many wud HV known him.

    He is a Dr.then did some research in foreign country or smthng. Tried civils .cudnt get thru.

    @jonitdeta bhai ..I think. Delhi main aap coaching krvake...u wil get a name. Then u can even go back to your native place and start coaching. U wil get , good returns.

    Govt exams se I meant, other govt apfc..RBI etc.
  • The guy, who used to do newspaper 'Hindu' analysis in insights on India, used to teach in vajiram ..ram babu..I think many wud HV known him.

    He is a Dr.then did some research in foreign country or smthng. Tried civils .cudnt get thru.

    @jonitdeta bhai ..I think. Delhi main aap coaching krvake...u wil get a name. Then u can even go back to your native place and start coaching. U wil get , good returns.

    Govt exams se I meant, other govt apfc..RBI etc.
    thank you bro.
  • The guy, who used to do newspaper 'Hindu' analysis in insights on India, used to teach in vajiram ..ram babu..I think many wud HV known him.

    He is a Dr.then did some research in foreign country or smthng. Tried civils .cudnt get thru.

    @jonitdeta bhai ..I think. Delhi main aap coaching krvake...u wil get a name. Then u can even go back to your native place and start coaching. U wil get , good returns.

    Govt exams se I meant, other govt apfc..RBI etc.
    thank you bro.
    Remember brother,
    Picture is not over , till you are happy.
    Don't compare yourself with others.

    All the good luck to you brother. >:D< >:D<
  • @jonitdeta.......sir, nothing can be reversed what happened, give us a message that life is not limited to UPSC only. you are more experienced, no advice will work you. but here you can give us an assurance and positive hope that failure is nowhere in front of capable man. sir do some positive talk also otherwise i will start to cry :(
  • @upscinsider
    @hawkeye :D

    ask Vagaivel :D, she is quoting all the below 100 insiders, so I decided to contribute :D
  • @upscinsider
    @hawkeye :D

    ask Vagaivel :D, she is quoting all the below 100 insiders, so I decided to contribute :D
  • @upscinsider
    @hawkeye :D

    ask Vagaivel :D, she is quoting all the below 100 insiders, so I decided to contribute :D
    Waise what are you trying to imply by your signature?
  • @upscinsider
    @hawkeye :D

    ask Vagaivel :D, she is quoting all the below 100 insiders, so I decided to contribute :D
    Waise what are you trying to imply by your signature?
    josh m hosh kho bheta tha
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