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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios



  • sequence of para should be c->b->a then d....
  • Please ignore my above post. Its like thinkin too much into sth. Irrelevant. Sorry :\">
  • @Battle_begins2015

    we are not against the changes - written in another paragraph

    @Battle_begins2015 @alaskanepic

    sequence of paragraphs is thought over and if felt good - then further changes would be made in the document at 2-3 more places to accommodate those changes.

    I hope to post the final draft in next half an hour.

    If anyone has any other thought - pls reply NOW
  • it is understood that NOT EVERYONE is ONLINE at this point -

    but 8-10 members who are online NOW - Also depict the MOOD of the larger community.
  • At the point of time of writing this, I am not sure whether any changes in the final draft are possible or not. But I would like to put my point across to all those key members who can influence the final print of the draft.

    Declaration: I belong to 2011 candidates group who applied but did not appear, who have filed CAT petition and Allahabad HC.

    I would only request to take the interests of all those aggrieved candidates of 2011( those who got favourable judgment from principal bench of CAT in August 2015) in the draft petition by including their case.

    2015 candidates are on a strong platform. In no way will the case of 2015 candidates be weakened by including the 2011 group. Every leader should try to protect the winning strategy. Unity and Numbers too form a critical part of that winning strategy. Leaving 2011 will make any platform that is based on elements of justice , less inclusive.

    Getting access to the ears of the political class is itself a rare opportunity for anyone or any group. Why not make it most beneficial to everybody...! Tagging a few names.. @gks @geeta @InGamble2016
  • @gks bhai HUMBLY REQUEST KAR DO..demands sound aggressive. and regarding para ..if we start talking about 2013 n already got attempts in initial lines..ppl will consider us failures...who have got attempts already.
  • gksgks
    edited October 2015
    @Bron Singh

    There have been put multiple points , let us make distinctions among them -
    (1) 2011 case would NOT weaken the application
    (2) 2016 an "OPEN" year has the potential to weaken the case

    (3) The group which will go to MEET will REPRESENT THE BELOW 4-5 causes -
    (i) 2015 case
    (ii) 35 yrs general age
    (iii) 2011 case
    (iv) married women's case
    (v) 2011-2014 extra attempt

    First 2 drafts are BEING WRITTEN by current team.
    draft (iv) is taken by 3 ladies.

    for draft (iii) and draft (v) - I've made at least 5 REQUESTS to ALL - to take up the issue and PREPARE THE DRAFT - but people MOCK, JOCK and do everything else EXCEPT TAKING THE RESPONSIBILITY TO WRITE THE DRAFT BY THEMSELVES.


    They will be sent SEPARATELY

    I again request @all, like 4-5 times before, Please take the responsibility to prepare the draft for any of the left points. We ALL WILL FIGHT FOR EACH OF THE ABOVE CAUSE.

    @Bron Singh
    Please share your views about it.
  • yeah...i agree with @bron singh...we should incorporate their grievances wouldn't affect our cases much but they might be benefited.. it will also prove that drafters are very much similar to good bureaucrats who always look in to the grievances of different stakeholders... i just want to point only one thing...if we can't address our peoples concern..then how we can expect that politicians/bureaucrats will redress our grievances...thanks...
  • There is ONLY ONE POINT IN THE DRAFT for which i could not get the date - above point (c) - so i'd tried to HIDE it at (c) position.

    But now it is being made as point-(a), considering it is 100% TRUE (we are not including 'recent past' as it would dilute the argument) but IF ANYONE COMES ACROSS ITS INVALIDITY, PLEASE REPLY BEFORE TUESDAY (when we've to send it) - other drafting team member won't be available - so communicate with me in the open forum / inbox.
  • i also agree with this @gks...who is working hard to make the draft...i am not sure whether it should be clubbed it in the same draft or present it separately..someone will have to take responsibility if its better to present the case separately...
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