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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios

edited October 2015 in Speculation & Protests
I'm opening this thread for all who think / believe that their chances of clearing prelims-2015 are reduced due to making paper-II qualifying.
I'm pasting the below post from some other thread Here, to make it easily accessible.

If someone says that "why don't UPSC abandon the paper-II instead of making the qualifying marks 33% which anyone can score', then-

Arguing AGAINT the wisdom of the Authority to 'Conduct / not-condut' an exam belonging to a 'Specific' area of knowledge / domain (here, CSAT) can NOT be questioned AT ALL, as the Authority has appx 50-60 years of experience which is Certainly MORE THAN the exam-conducting experience of - "ALL-the-Candidates-of-this-year-COMBINED".
Also it is voilating any right of the candidate.
So the court is more likely to upheld the above reason and hence quashing the application.

A Better way / complain / case / suit might have been ->
"I started my preparation 8 months back.As an applicant for year-2015 - since last one year I was having the information that there would be 2 papers of Same weightage - So, I devoted 60-70% of my time to paper-II - thinking that scoring high in this paper would help me in clearing the prelims cut-off (As is evident from last 2-3 years prelims marks).
But suddenly, the Authority declared that the paper-II would be qualifying in nature - thus WASTING my 3-4 months preparation which I would have devoted to paper-I otherwise - if i were informed about this change 6 months / 1 year in advance.

Thus this change has hampered my chances of clearing perlims this year so much.
I'm approaching the age / attempt limit too.

So i claim to get an additional year-and-attempt, if i get failed in prelims for 2015"

This would benefit ALL who get failed in 2015 prelims.

This can be filed now and later also BUT BEFORE THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE are announced as govt is much less likely to make any change after that."

In my personal view, the above logic is much more solid than the logics which government has already accepted.

So if you / anybody wish - the above logic with more modifications may be fought for.


  • edited October 2015
    A bad news for ppl like me whose last attempt was in 2012..Govt is planning to put certain conditions for giving additional attempt to 2011 people:
    Must b his/her last attempt in 2011
    Shd not have qualified

    Source: Firstly I called up at Imran sir no. ..a lady picked up and said ki it is only for those whose last attempt was in 2011. When I further enquired, she gave me a no. of DoPT 011-23040332 ...The person from the DoPT said ki file has been moved for approval with above mentioned conditions...

    I believe the circular published by the govt used the word "candidates who appeared" and now all of a sudden a big U turn...relying on that circular many ppl like me left their job...n all of a sudden such a demotivating news... :((
  • A bad news for ppl like me whose last attempt was in 2012..Govt is planning to put certain conditions for giving additional attempt to 2011 people:
    Must b his/her last attempt in 2011
    Shd not have qualified

    Source: Firstly I called up at Imran sir no. ..a lady picked up and said ki it is only for those whose last attempt was in 2011. When I further enquired, she gave me a no. of DoPT 011-23040332 ...The person from the DoPT said ki file has been moved for approval with above mentioned conditions...

    I believe the circular published by the govt used the word "candidates who appeared" and now all of a sudden a big U turn...relying on that circular many ppl like me left their job...n all of a sudden such a demotivating news... :((
    Ye to hona hi tha. Shabdo k saath khelne waali sarkaar hain.
  • Hmm.. I believe the proposal has been forwarded by the DoPT officials and Govt is considering it...
  • :-O .. Thats not good .. Not at all good sign before 2015 notification ..
  • edited April 2015
    IIRC the whole one extra attempt for those who exhausted their attempts in 2011 demand was specifically because there were people who had turned 30 in 2011 and could not avail the benefit of extra attempts given by UPSC from 2014 onward (despite being a "victim" of CSAT pattern change). So they were to be given one attempt with a consequent age relaxation in 2015. This was always expected.
  • :-O .. Thats not good .. Not at all good sign before 2015 notification ..
    yup bro...not at all a good sign...Probably we should write to the concerned ministry stating that people with last attempt in 2012 were also a victim of the new pattern introduced in 2011....Therefore, rider must not be placed ..Moreover, the circular itself was misleading and many people left their job and now this action will hamper our future...
  • Probable next move of Govt : The Two extra Chances/ Extra age will be scrapped w.e.f CSE 2016. This is just the beginning. Not at all Good sign.
  • edited April 2015
    I don't get it. Why is the move surprising?

    If someone was 29 in 2012 and appeared for his last attempt that year, he got 2 extra attempts - 2014 and 2015.

    If someone was 30 in 2012 and appeared for his last attempt that year, he got 1 extra attempt - 2014.

    The only people left in a lurch were people who were 30 and appeared for their last attempt in 2011. These people were over age in 2014 and could not avail the benefit of extra attempts despite giving an attempt in a year when CSAT was introduced. The one extra attempt in 2015 was always going to be specifically for these overage candidates.

    @Final_battle2015 You would have been eligible for the 2014 attempt, no?
  • I have one doubt,is the extra 2 attempts/extra age declared last time only for those appeared in 2011 or for all?
  • edited April 2015

    Everyone gets 6 attempts as long as their age does not exceed 32. That is the new eligibility criteria and will not change in the immediate future.

This discussion has been closed.


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