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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios



  • Hey I just checked my to jitendra singh (Mr sanjay Kothari) have forwarded my email to additional secretary service and vigilance of DoPT keeping me in CC....can v expect something?
    Yar grievance wali portal pe bhi pls ap log register karo...i m going to do it now...
  • Hey I just checked my to jitendra singh (Mr sanjay Kothari) have forwarded my email to additional secretary service and vigilance of DoPT keeping me in CC....can v expect something?
    Yar grievance wali portal pe bhi pls ap log register karo...i m going to do it now...
    Thats nice..keep trying..

  • @Final_battle2015 @ssv @raj_engineer @ Ujwal_s1983 you all guys meet CHATRA ADHIKAR MANCH, RASHTRIYA ADHIKAR MANCH etc otherwise it may be too them today itself and explain the would certainly get help from them..
    Thanks pooja for ur advise...I am not in delhi... Those people in delhi if possible take the initiative... If situation warrants peopl from outside delhi will join u...
    I don't think there would be many candidates like us...and if DOPT has sent its would be biggest grouse is that they should have clarified it would have been easier..
    But I think final call is to be taken by the govt..It may or may not accept the recommendation of DoPT... At least the govt shd be told that there statement has ruined the precious one year of many candidates...
    agreed...but i am not in Delhi....can I be of any help?....the only ray of hope is the October release on persmin...nowhere it was mentioned that the extra attempt is for candidates with last attempt in 2011..
    Yup bro as of now lets raise our grievances in every quarter of the govt.. including the ministers and the PMO...Then we can plan the next step...if you know other people with similar circumstances ... Share it with them as well....
  • @Final_battle2015 @ssv @raj_engineer @ Ujwal_s1983 you all guys meet CHATRA ADHIKAR MANCH, RASHTRIYA ADHIKAR MANCH etc otherwise it may be too them today itself and explain the would certainly get help from them..
    Thanks pooja for ur advise...I am not in delhi... Those people in delhi if possible take the initiative... If situation warrants peopl from outside delhi will join u...
    I don't think there would be many candidates like us...and if DOPT has sent its would be biggest grouse is that they should have clarified it would have been easier..
    But I think final call is to be taken by the govt..It may or may not accept the recommendation of DoPT... At least the govt shd be told that there statement has ruined the precious one year of many candidates...
    agreed...but i am not in Delhi....can I be of any help?....the only ray of hope is the October release on persmin...nowhere it was mentioned that the extra attempt is for candidates with last attempt in 2011..
    Yup bro as of now lets raise our grievances in every quarter of the govt.. including the ministers and the PMO...Then we can plan the next step...if you know other people with similar circumstances ... Share it with them as well....
    nope I don't know any other who is facing the same situation...our biggest problem is of numbers..we won't have much support since not many are affected by this decision... :(
  • @to all senior players.
    kya sex karne se padai me mann lagta hia?
  • @Final_battle2015,@Ujwal_s1983 , if you have any updates post it here..and try to keep the thread active ..we form a minuscule community here...but hope we get the desired results..
  • edited April 2015
    No update as of now bro... If required, we will have to meet at one place and discuss the course of action..firstly we shd frame our demand..The wording of our issues and demand shd b simpl n easy to implement.. I have framed our demand..pls have a look and suggest if its ok...

    " All such Candidates of 2011 who are presently above 32 on 1st Aug 2015 should be given an additional attempt"
  • edited April 2015
    No update as of now bro... If required, we will have to meet at one place and discuss the course of action..firstly we shd frame our demand..The wording of our issues and demand shd b simpl n easy to implement.. I have framed our demand..pls have a look and suggest if its ok...

    " All such Candidates of 2011 who are presently above 32 on 1st Aug 2015 should be given an additional attempt"
    No friend..there should be a valid reason behind this frame it may be like this-
    As per dopt circular released on Press Information Bureau dated 22.8.2014 it was said that " govt has decided to give an additional attempt to those who appeared in 2011"( write this verbatim from PIB)..
    Sir, this circular/ order etc did not mention anywhere any condition.on the basis of this order, many a people toook very important decisions of their lives.some people quit their jobs and are preparing for this exam from last one year.( here you can give your own examples and even attach your or your frieends resignation letters.Also if you have postoned your marriage decisions, plz do mention it).so sir plz make provisions in the notification accordiding to the original order and give an additional attempt to everyone who appeared in 2011.

  • No update as of now bro... If required, we will have to meet at one place and discuss the course of action..firstly we shd frame our demand..The wording of our issues and demand shd b simpl n easy to implement.. I have framed our demand..pls have a look and suggest if its ok...

    " All such Candidates of 2011 who are presently above 32 on 1st Aug 2015 should be given an additional attempt"
    Emphasis should be on on official release of persmin...where it was clearly mentioned that candidates who have appeared in cse 2011 will be given one additional attempt in was not subject to any conditions..
  • No update as of now bro... If required, we will have to meet at one place and discuss the course of action..firstly we shd frame our demand..The wording of our issues and demand shd b simpl n easy to implement.. I have framed our demand..pls have a look and suggest if its ok...

    " All such Candidates of 2011 who are presently above 32 on 1st Aug 2015 should be given an additional attempt"
    No friend..there should be a valid reason behind this frame it may be like this-
    As per dopt circular released on Press Information Bureau dated 22.8.2014 it was said that " govt has decided to give an additional attempt to those who appeared in 2011"( write this verbatim from PIB)..
    Sir, this circular/ order etc did not mention anywhere any condition.on the basis of this order, many a people toook very important decisions of their lives.some people quit their jobs and are preparing for this exam from last one year.( here you can give your own examples and even attach your or your frieends resignation letters.Also if you have postoned your marriage decisions, plz do mention it).so sir plz make provisions in the notification accordiding to the original order and give an additional attempt to everyone who appeared in 2011.

    agreed...the notification didn't had any condition...if there were any ifs and buts they should have informed it on prior's their prerogative to decide on conditions..but the official release was unconditional.....
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