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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • Out, getting 100 at max. 73 attempted, 17 wrongs. No regrets, more focused for Himachal pcs mains that time. Idea came to skip upsc before 5 days, 17 August. But managed to appear with less preparation.
    Like @lafanga_warrior , shopra -5 , upsc-0
    That's why @lafanga_warrior not alone.

    Next year last chance. Fully dedicated for pcs exam. 33+ yrs now , in OBC category. Plan to go sail in january end in Baltic route, may be after epfo I go. But i have to get pcs jobs, i this regard, i can appear in state pcs like uppsc, ukpsc etc manage with sailing also.

    I m in dilemma - 6th jpsc, uppsc in 20 march.
    I signed off 28 june2014. I did sailing 5-6 months after every 2 years , two Times already done it, company knows very well.
    Dilemma to continue upto uppsc mains or go for sail upto February only. Please suggest.
    Wife suggest, since u miss by 2-3 questions at maximum, now in good rhythm of study. So stay and do preparation .
  • Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently
  • i am only son and one small sister uski marriage bi karni hai
    sab kuch blank hogya hai
    Bhai dont overestimate the consequences of a single failure. U do hv opportunity to come back strongly next year with stronger vigour. Just focus on study [or whatever u want to do in ur life]. Very similar happened with me last time. In 2014, I got just 56 marks in GS and failed Prelims by a narrow margin of 2 marks. But then I prepared n i'm in this time. So failure is just an event.

  • i am only son and one small sister uski marriage bi karni hai
    sab kuch blank hogya hai
    Bhai dont overestimate the consequences of a single failure. U do hv opportunity to come back strongly next year with stronger vigour. Just focus on study [or whatever u want to do in ur life]. Very similar happened with me last time. In 2014, I got just 56 marks in GS and failed Prelims by a narrow margin of 2 marks. But then I prepared n i'm in this time. So failure is just an event.

    Dude be a fighter , just one failure must not make you say " Sab blank Ho gaya ". If you have time and finance at your end , give one more try next year with all you have . If not , then grab some job , utilise 2-3 hours daily (but do utilise the weekend to the fullest) and hope for the best .
    You will kiss the success but don't loose your heart , rise to the occasion .
    All the best brother
  • Is it true attempts will refuced to 4 instead of 6 its giving me heart attack
  • will like to be an IAS than being ceo of microsoft. :D
  • North eastern university????

    He was in manipal university right?
  • Once akbar asked birbal - Write one thing that will make a happy person sad n a sad person happy.

    Birbal wrote - "YEH SAMAY BEET JAEGA"
  • A man ,who just had completed his btech from a north eastern university, Wished to be like his dad. His dad was an IAS OFFICER who Revolutionzed many poor lifes by introducing PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM in his Andhra cadre ,which later became a success story all over india.
    Everyone had high hopes from his son,his prodiology, and what he will do was the one thing his well wishers wondered.
    Following his dad's footstep ,he packed bags for the mecca of upsc, aka DELHI ,since there was no internet at that time.
    He studied hard ,very hard ,the midnight lamp was never extinguished during his prep.
    One year later ,the D_Day came ,confident like a Boss ,he went on to saddle what he will do for lifetime , (thats what he thought)
    Some days later ,Pre result came , and to everyone's utter distress,this chap,son of a legendary IAS OFFICER ,failed in first step itself. Everyone was awestruck ,how it can be ...?
    He decided to continue..
    He failed again.
    He decided to continue...
    3 attempts ,4 years ,son of an ias couldnt even clear the first hurdle itself.
    U would be thinking right now that hes a failure..
    A disgrace to his father..
    A looser..
    Call it fate ,luck or destiny ,he packed his bags to go US for masters , as it was the only one of the few viable option.He left india as a failure, to himself,to his father,to his nation..
    So what do you think wouldve happened ..?
    Was his journey going to be just a fellow in crowd.
    The man who couldnt clear prelims thrice ,what would achieve ..?

    Do you know ..?
    Do you want to know ..?

    From a failure..
    20 years later ..
    How did he do..?

    Well, nothing great ,as he claims...
    Yet world knows him today as CEO OF MICROSOFT.
    Its just a story nothing more....satya didnt gave cse , u can cross verify it
  • edited October 2015
    A man ,who just had completed his btech from a north eastern university, Wished to be like his dad. His dad was an IAS OFFICER who Revolutionzed many poor lifes by introducing PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM in his Andhra cadre ,which later became a success story all over india.
    Everyone had high hopes from his son,his prodiology, and what he will do was the one thing his well wishers wondered.
    Following his dad's footstep ,he packed bags for the mecca of upsc, aka DELHI ,since there was no internet at that time.
    He studied hard ,very hard ,the midnight lamp was never extinguished during his prep.
    One year later ,the D_Day came ,confident like a Boss ,he went on to saddle what he will do for lifetime , (thats what he thought)
    Some days later ,Pre result came , and to everyone's utter distress,this chap,son of a legendary IAS OFFICER ,failed in first step itself. Everyone was awestruck ,how it can be ...?
    He decided to continue..
    He failed again.
    He decided to continue...
    3 attempts ,4 years ,son of an ias couldnt even clear the first hurdle itself.
    U would be thinking right now that hes a failure..
    A disgrace to his father..
    A looser..
    Call it fate ,luck or destiny ,he packed his bags to go US for masters , as it was the only one of the few viable option.He left india as a failure, to himself,to his father,to his nation..
    So what do you think wouldve happened ..?
    Was his journey going to be just a fellow in crowd.
    The man who couldnt clear prelims thrice ,what would achieve ..?

    Do you know ..?
    Do you want to know ..?

    From a failure..
    20 years later ..
    How did he do..?

    Well, nothing great ,as he claims...
    Yet world knows him today as CEO OF MICROSOFT.
    Its just a story nothing more....satya didnt gave cse , u can cross verify it
    Doesn't matter ...if it inspires you...
    Ever head of placebo effect bro...keep churning that's what will give you the butter, doesn't matter how the churn took place..... :)>-
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