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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • kum ko nirash aur hatash nahi hone ka hai bas yaad rakanarakana chahe kuch bhi ho hum apne maa bhaap ko wahi chote bache hai , humare chota Bhai ka hero, aur humare dost sab ka yaara . ishe jaada kya chahiye
  • before results,
    when results were out,
    after results,
    right now,

    Wowwwwww.......that's so actually made me to laugh
    :)) :D
  • ..hmm.....Lets get back to books.... :|
  • It does't matter how many times u fall
    But it really matters, how many times u get up
  • So never ever give up
    Succuss belongs to those who dare
    Get up again, fight with full vigour, fight and fight with full confidence. U r a winner and U will definitely
    "Champions r not super nature
    They just fight one more second, when everyone quits
    So be a winner
  • I have always been spectator here for long time.
    Never disclosed my emotions to anyone.

    Fortunately I never left my job. Always performed best in my team for last 6 years. Graduated from top NIT and working in top MNC Hyderabad. Being the only working member in my family I can't leave job because of many loans and sanity in mind for the unpredictability of the exam.

    I know, With job it's very difficult, Still I gave my best this time but was only scoring 90(min.) Can't understand how people score 120-130 ?
    30 year old and married. Parents too understand the competition and paucity of time I get after 10 hours job. This was my 4th attempt wrote 2 mains.
    Before marriage it was just fun and I studied without any pressure, but after marriage it has become an ego+pride issue. My in-law side relative look at me as if I am fighting a battle and do pooja and upvaas for my success, my wife is also supportive and understand the competition.
    Don't know for some reason, I can't digest that, how I can't clear this exam ??

    Strange is: My initial 2 attempts were just trivial and without much preparation and I cleared in only those (2011 & 2012) and after that when I seriously thought of writing. I didn't clear in 2014 and 2015.

    I was very below average student all my school life but cleard JEE with just 1 year of preparation and hard work. Performed good in college and company. It gave me confidence that I can achieve anything by my sheer hardwork. Because of this preparation I also lost interest in my software industry and developed negative outlook for this sedentary job though I am performing good with half-heart.

    Though I din't clear the prelims but I have confidence that I can do very good in mains, my answer writing is good I think and my subjecting knowledge is better. I was top writer in Insights till May 2015 with name Mithrandir(If anyone remember)

    Time to go.. have a meeting in office.
    mithrandr i used to love reading your ethics class.keep fighting.
  • upsc ka shikar ban gyA MAIN
  • I've started attempting CSE from 2012 and I've exhausted 3 attempts till now. Since the govt has increased 2 attempts for all categories from 2014, can I've still 3 more attempts (for OC originally 4 + 2 = 6 attempts?)
    Pls help me on this.
  • I've started attempting CSE from 2012 and I've exhausted 3 attempts till now. Since the govt has increased 2 attempts for all categories from 2014, can I've still 3 more attempts (for OC originally 4 + 2 = 6 attempts?)
    Pls help me on this.
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