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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios



  • @all I feel we can send our petition to the Parliamentary Committees:
    1. Committee of Petition(Lok Sabha)
    2. Committee of Petition(Rajya Sabha)
    There is a specific format for petitioning. I am uploading RS' format.

    The Petition addressed to the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) may either be forwarded to the Secretary-General, Rajya Sabha, Parliament House, New Delhi or may be got countersigned by a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) who may then present it before the Rajya Sabha on the Petitioner’s behalf.
  • @all I feel we can send our petition to the Parliamentary Committees:
    1. Committee of Petition(Lok Sabha)
    2. Committee of Petition(Rajya Sabha)
    There is a specific format for petitioning. I am uploading RS' format.

    The Petition addressed to the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) may either be forwarded to the Secretary-General, Rajya Sabha, Parliament House, New Delhi or may be got countersigned by a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) who may then present it before the Rajya Sabha on the Petitioner’s behalf.
    Yeh bhi sahi hai.

  • @whittlesey no negative reinforcement bro...but reality is to be reconciled n ppl need to come out of their comfort zone.
    Yes I fully support u.. n assure my presence at evry protest req
  • @all I feel we can send our petition to the Parliamentary Committees:
    1. Committee of Petition(Lok Sabha)
    2. Committee of Petition(Rajya Sabha)
    There is a specific format for petitioning. I am uploading RS' format.

    The Petition addressed to the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) may either be forwarded to the Secretary-General, Rajya Sabha, Parliament House, New Delhi or may be got countersigned by a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) who may then present it before the Rajya Sabha on the Petitioner’s behalf.
    Karo bhai jaldi...
  • edited October 2015
    All of us here,who r supporting the cause and are ready to do anything ,share ur contact number with @InGamble2016 .Very few people are needed,but only a committed lot can see us through.Dont shy away..every headcount matters.
  • Bhai roadshow kab hai... yahaan tweet karte rehne se ho jayega kya...
  • mere hisab se bhi political route better option hai...CAT or court should be last option...if DoPT is convinced with our argument..they can give an extra one/two attempt.
    @ gks @DUKHIYA...yaar kaun si mail bhejini hain aur kab bhejni hain..i think we should send only one mail which should include all good parts...
    @gks..bhai..hume friday or monday ko mail bhejni hain.?
  • our steps should be like...

    1. send mail to relevant parties (DoPT minister, secretary DoPT, PMO, UPSC chairman and secretary)
    2. meet with political party representative... (Minister of DoPT)
    3. meet with baswan commitee and make them aware about our grievances...
    4. we can demand for two attempts..
    We would like to bring to your notice the GROSS INJUSTICE done
    to us (UPSC CSE 2015 candidates) by bringing changes to the
    examination process JUST THREE MONTHS before the exam.
    Here’s how we have been victims of INJUSTICE :
    • UPSC CSE Preliminary Examination have always consisted of two
    papers with a total of 250 questions (before 2011) and 180
    questions( 2011-2014) to evaluate the merit of candidates .
    But this year (2015) one of the two papers was made only
    ‘qualifying’ in nature. This means that marks of this paper was
    not added to total marks to decide the selection . As a result only
    100 questions were there to judge the merit of candidates which
    increased the uncertainty in the selection process to an
    unprecendented level.
    No examination in this country whether engg entrance exams,
    medical entrance exams,SSC, BANK PO,State PCS exams, and so
    on , decide merit on mere 100 questions and that of same nature
    i.e only General Studies. This amounts to an absolute lack of
    appropriate criteria to judge the merit . If this is not INJUSTICE ,
    then what else is?
    • Any changes in the selection process is the prerogative of the
    concerned authority. But if the change amounts to sheer
    INJUSTICE, then its our right to voice our concern in a democracy.
    A mammoth change was introduced by scrapping 50% of the
    sylllabus by making it merely ‘qualifying’ , just “ THREE MONTHS “
    before the examination. How can one adapt to such a huge change
    at such short notice for an exam which needs AT LEAST ONE
    YEAR of preparation by one and all. If this is not INJUSTICE , then
    what else is?
    • There were several candidates who had exhausted all their
    attempts due to far-fetched changes introduced in the exam
    process since 2011. As a compensation, they were given an extra
    attempt this year. But introducing changes just THREE MONTHS
    before the exam marred their chances . So giving an extra attempt
    was made null and void by brnging such changes. If this is not
    INJUSTICE, then what else is?
    In the wake of the GROSS INJUSTICE done to us ( UPSC CSE 2015
    aspirants), we request/demand AN EXTRA ATTEMPT for all of us
    who appeared in 2015. This is the least correction that can be
    done to address the great harm done to us which have put in us
    deep turmoil and despair.
    Our demand would not lead to any law &order problem, nor would
    lead to any burden of state exchequer, neither would it harm the
    interests of anyone. It would only lead to betterment of all those
    who want to serve the nation .It conforms to the core principles
    of DEMOCRACY. Hope democracy wins again.

    What do we want,add one point to mk it mandatory to inform 1 year minimum prior to changes.We should campaign for wider rwform as well else har saal one or other section will become victim.This will bring more stabilty in exam process.
  • @Battle begins.I would love to be there.nothing can make me more happy than an attempt in 2016 CSP.but iam from chennai.I work in a corporate set up.I may not be able to come.but one time I can come to Delhi.I will try to come in some important stage of our protest.
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