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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios



  • Great work.. We should make our friends join this group too
  • If CSAT is thrown to dustbin because of its discriminatory nature, then what is solution for people who were made victim of this discrimination between 2011-2014. It means acceptance to 4 attempts of discrimination. Let DoPT/UPSC provide solution for this.

    If it's not discriminatory, then why it was effectively nullified by 2015, with barely 3 months to go for examination.

    This should highlight aspirants demands
    this attempt cycle is wasting our precious year and happiness,,change and attempt=vicious cycle needs to be broken soon.......thats why in ethics paper last year upsc asked "what is happiness"....according to me happiness is honourable exit from this vicious cycle and forget what this organization did to candidates giving them abnormally low marks in mains due to typing error,,showing those marks 25 days before prelims and wasting an attempt..of course this definition for happiness is for those who are in their 4+ attempts,,30+ age or both

    Very true himanshu ji,,,,..

    Attempts/AGE RELAXATN tho alag baat hai...but we are still struck in this vicious cycle due to thr fault of upsc administrators who failed to apply min logic during these changes VIZ giving ample time 2 students 2 cope vth the changes.
    We r having no time for our family.....
  • fb ग्रुप ज्वाइन कर लिया है । कुछ मीडिया से जुड़े मित्रों से सहमति लेकर उनको भी ग्रुप से जोड़ने का विचार है। अगर आप लोगों की सहमति हो तो।
    fb ग्रुप ज्वाइन कर लिया है । कुछ मीडिया से जुड़े मित्रों से सहमति लेकर उनको भी ग्रुप से जोड़ने का विचार है। अगर आप लोगों की सहमति हो तो।
    Jaroor kijiye
  • There is a Committee on Petitions (Lok Sabha). It considers representations from individuals and associations. We can give our representation to it.
  • @Muktibodh
    Please add as many different sources and TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY to further Manage it

    you'd see the action plan SOON

    petitions committee is a good idea
  • @gks thanks bro.
  • I don't know why some are against the idea of getting help from ABVP and NSUI.. These were instrumental in previous attempt increases.. They need support... They are links bw us and parties... We must USE them
    Last time NSUI was link to Govt...
    This time we are taking help of ABVP, RSS.
    main thing is most of the cadre of BJP is busy in Bihar...Pls wait till 8th Nov.
    I think this is the best time to put on our demand and voice our concern because during election time BJP will surely want to take the credit of being student friendly, specially when they are contesting an election in Bihar. As all we know that from Bihar a large number of UPSC aspirants come from and they are voter too in this election. So, guys this is the best time, JALDI KARO BHAIYA... time is running.

  • hello,,,why you guys are asking for extra attempt in 2016??
    wo to waise hi bacha hua hain...
  • hello,,,why you guys are asking for extra attempt in 2016??
    wo to waise hi bacha hua hain...
    hehe..sabka bacha hai kya bhai? Itne self absorbed kyun ho gaye..?

  • aandolan karo..hunger strike pe baitho 3-4 log...netagiri bhi karo....
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