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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios




    We would like to bring to your notice the GROSS INJUSTICE done to us (UPSC CSE 2015 candidates) by bringing changes to the examination process JUST THREE MONTHS before the exam.

    Here’s how we have been victims of INJUSTICE :

    • UPSC CSE Preliminary Examination have always consisted of two papers with a total of 250 questions (before 2011) and 180 questions( 2011-2014) to evaluate the merit of candidates .
    But this year (2015) one of the two papers was made only ‘qualifying’ in nature. This means that marks of this paper was not added to total marks to decide the selection . As a result only 100 questions were there to judge the merit of candidates which increased the uncertainty in the selection process to an unprecendented level.
    No examination in this country whether engg entrance exams, medical entrance exams,SSC, BANK PO,State PCS exams, and so on , decide merit on mere 100 questions and that of same nature i.e only General Studies. This amounts to an absolute lack of appropriate criteria to judge the merit . If this is not INJUSTICE , then what else is?

    • Any changes in the selection process is the prerogative of the concerned authority. But if the change amounts to sheer INJUSTICE, then its our right to voice our concern in a democracy. A mammoth change was introduced by scrapping 50% of the sylllabus by making it merely ‘qualifying’ , just “ THREE MONTHS “ before the examination. How can one adapt to such a huge change at such short notice for an exam which needs AT LEAST ONE YEAR of preparation by one and all. If this is not INJUSTICE , then what else is?

    • There were several candidates who had exhausted all their attempts due to far-fetched changes introduced in the exam process since 2011. As a compensation, they were given an extra attempt this year. But introducing changes just THREE MONTHS before the exam marred their chances . So giving an extra attempt was made null and void by brnging such changes. If this is not INJUSTICE, then what else is?


    In the wake of the GROSS INJUSTICE done to us ( UPSC CSE 2015 aspirants), we request/demand AN EXTRA ATTEMPT for all of us who appeared in 2015. This is the least correction that can be done to address the great harm done to us which have put in us deep turmoil and despair.
    Our demand would not lead to any law &order problem, nor would lead to any burden of state exchequer, neither would it harm the interests of anyone. It would only lead to betterment of all those who want to serve the nation .It conforms to the core principles of DEMOCRACY. Hope democracy wins again.
    good one.go ahead.

  • I am in 21
    u r only 21..????

  • I am in 21
    u r only 21..????

    I don't wish to be 21 again...I meant I am in. to be counted as 21st member.
  • I am in 21
    u r only 21..????

    I don't wish to be 21 again...I meant I am in. to be counted as 21st member.
    oh common dear ..given a choice i ll stick to 18..till i die..
    Don't worry we ll win.
  • Abhi Rahul Gandhi ki sarkaar hoti...he would have immediately increased attempt !
  • If CSAT is thrown to dustbin because of its discriminatory nature, then what is solution for people who were made victim of this discrimination between 2011-2014. It means acceptance to 4 attempts of discrimination. Let DoPT/UPSC provide solution for this.

    If it's not discriminatory, then why it was effectively nullified by 2015, with barely 3 months to go for examination.

    This should highlight aspirants demands
  • edited October 2015
    If CSAT is thrown to dustbin because of its discriminatory nature, then what is solution for people who were made victim of this discrimination between 2011-2014. It means acceptance to 4 attempts of discrimination. Let DoPT/UPSC provide solution for this.

    If it's not discriminatory, then why it was effectively nullified by 2015, with barely 3 months to go for examination.

    This should highlight aspirants demands
    this attempt cycle is wasting our precious year and happiness,,change and attempt=vicious cycle needs to be broken soon.......thats why in ethics paper last year upsc asked "what is happiness"....according to me happiness is honourable exit from this vicious cycle and forget what this organization did to candidates giving them abnormally low marks in mains due to typing error,,showing those marks 25 days before prelims and wasting an attempt..of course this definition for happiness is for those who are in their 4+ attempts,,30+ age or both

  • How about making it visible over the web . I happened to find this .

    Can someone take up the responsibility and talk to these guys about it ?

    Please note : My suggestion would be someone who knows about the petition's fine prints should only place the contents over the Internet .
  • My idea is that first we should formally meet the committee ,dopt and other authorities represent ourselves. Then mail them.or vice versa.after that only media , web , etc.first get the plan of action ready.get the core group ready.@gks.
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