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  • @focus schme me Bhai...
    U r loosing ur respect in our eyes
    Pl delete this thread all together.
    Prelims k time pr negativity acha ni h
  • @focus schme me Bhai...
    U r loosing ur respect in our eyes
    Pl delete this thread all together.
    Prelims k time pr negativity acha ni h
    bhai i am a normal guy. no saint. neither crave or do things with a purpose. I've been here for almost 5 years and yes I've made some mistakes but I swear you wouldn't have found me poking my nose in some one else's affair or making things personal or stalking even a guy, leave girls. i avoid and ignore to the best of my capabilities but few 24*7 online champs here take your silence as your weakness. kabhi words mis spell kar gaali dete, kabhi mada faka bolte, kabhi beta bolte, kabhi incessantly stalk karte...but anyways i need to go now!
This discussion has been closed.


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