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Dealing with Failure in the UPSC Civil Services Examination



  • Haar mat mano doston... The night is darkest before the break of dawn. Stay blessed.
  • Wrote the exam thrice (this is fourth attempt) I missed out on prelims twice, the second time after giving an interview. Know exactly how it feels. But pull yourself together because life, if not the exam, will always give you the chance to be great. Wait for that chance and when it comes, nobody can stop you!
  • Bhai logo ek baat batau ---

    Main bhi kai baar Fail hua hoon Prelims mein......Isliye main jaanta hoon ki Fail hone ka Dukh kya hota hai ......

    Zyada kuch to nahi kahunga main lekin SIRF itna hi kahunga ki ---- Jo Peeda , jo Anguish , jo Dukh --- abhi is samay aapko ho raha hai naa , usko bheetar maintain karke rakhiyega , AS it IS , aage aane wale EK saal bhar tak .........Kyonki agar ye Dukh , ye Ghaav aur ye Peeda ko agar aap log bhul gaye to fir jis War Footing par padhai hona chahiye --- vaise NAHI ho paaegi......

    Kuch "Zakhm" --- humsha hare hi rehna chahiye , taaki wo "Zakhm" humko yaad dilate rahe ki humko abhi kitna aur zyada aage badhna hai ........

    Buss yaar , isse zyada aur kuch hai nahi mere paas kehne ke liye ....

    " ताकि हम भूल ना जाए । "

  • prelims prep becomes so boring at this stage of cse prep....any serious partner available for joint study for prelims ???
  • broken..........badly
  • broken..........badly
    My loard this day will also pass....
  • Two things have helped me tremendously....

    1) Donot start with GS for now.... Either you would not study..... Or you will study unproductively........ Focus on essay and optional..... There are many whatsapp group going for optionals..... Join them asap..... Participate there..... This way you will be compelting your optional with guys who are appraeing for mains......

    1) Appear in as many exam as possible.....I did not prepare for them.... But after sometime I became very good at mcq exams...... Cleared neaely every PCS pre, RBI, po, lic and so on.... It helped in two ways ..

    a) Got great confidence boost.... Which make sure that you donot buckle under pressure on Upsc pre day
    After sometime even when I performed very badly in exam, still it was good enough to clear ( happened in hppsc,ukpsc, this year upsc).....

    b) it worked as great stress buster and revive myself when I used to go to dehradoon, shimla to take these examination... I always used to reach on the morning of exam itself

    Also a minor point is not to take break immediately...... This way you will have to start from 0 when come back....... Keep studying for next 10,15 days ....finish something..... Than only take a break
  • Any one who has consulted astrologer and came to know he or she will not b able to...and then defied predictn to qualify ultimately
    Bhai astrologer had told me few months back that right now time is not good for me and i should avoid giving any exam or starting anything new till 2017....I kept on studying ignoring his advise and gave prelims...Now writing mains this dec...Lets c wats next :))
  • edited October 2015
  • prelims prep becomes so boring at this stage of cse prep....any serious partner available for joint study for prelims ???
    i'm in .
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