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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios



  • @doctorgirl @himanshu07 @drharshit why not seperate thread and movement for more intake to?
  • @doctorgirl @himanshu07 @drharshit why not seperate thread and movement for more intake to?
    Ab kya intake...already result aa gaya logical...not just emotional..DAF bhi aa jayega ab.Who will listen to you?If anybody has direct contact wid PM,den it can happen.waise 5k aur le lete toh sach mein solve ho jata .

  • @gks..."In the history of civil services exam in India, 2015 was a unique year when the selection in the prelims was made based on a single paper instead of two papers, whatever those two papers had been, and that too on an insufficient notice of only three months." is the valid point....

    i am also of the view that 2016 should be open year should not be included....but yaar, if instead of asking age or attempt relaxation, we should ask 'extra attempt to those candidates who appeared in the exam in 2015' irrespective of age or attempt' will be a better way to ask..and this will also include '2011 aspirants who got extra chance in 2015'..thanks...
    point is that all the candidates are suffered due to sudden changes in 2015 whether they had last attempt in 2015...or anyone who got a chance to appear in 2015 due to an attempt made in 2011...
    plz reply..

  • @gks...don't you think that asking for an extra attempt to all candidates who are affected by the changes is a better way to ask for only asking attempt and consequent age relaxation...the former would include everyone who are affected by the changes...but latter wouldn't...also..for the candidates of 2011, who filled the form that year but didn't appear in it were not allowed to appear in this case is already in CAT and hopefully will get an attempt...

    i am talking about those candidates who appeared in 2015 due to filling the form an appearing in 2011... these candidates will not be covered plz only change a single line...

    provide an extra attempt to those candidates who appeared in 2015 irrespective of age or no attempts...
  • yaar..@gks...i want to give one more argument..asking for an attempt and consequential age relaxation would include even those candidates who are not affected i.e. passed in PT...i don't have any issue that..that's fine...
    but what about those candidates (like me) who didn't exhaust all attempts but can't make an attempt due to age (already year will be 34) lucky to get an attempt in 2015 due to 2011 attempt but couldn't sail through in PT....should also get an opportunity in 2016...

    the solution is simple....only ask...
    any candidate who appeared in the Civil Services Examination, 2015 but is
    otherwise ineligible for Civil Services Examination, 2015 due to attainment of upper age limit on the crucial date for examination prescribed under this rule, shall be permitted an additional attempt in the Civil Services Examination, 2015.
    NOTE I:
  • any candidate who appeared in the Civil Services Examination, 2015 but is otherwise ineligible for Civil Services Examination, 2015 due to attainment of upper age limit or number of attempts on the crucial date for examination prescribed under this rule, shall be permitted an additional attempt in the Civil Services Examination, 2016.

    i am just copied from notificcation...thanks@gks..
  • @gks

    2011 (but got a chance in 2015) are not covered in the court case. court case is abt candidates who did not get chance in 2015 bec they did not appear in the exam in 2011 but filled the form

    alaskanepic idea is good. just simple whoever wrote in 2015 should get a chance in 2016. otherwise lots of ppl will be left out. and everyone who wrote 2015 sufered. pls consider this. a sincere request.
  • correction....otherwise ineligible for Civil Services Examination, 2016..
  • thanks @geeta for your support..
  • edited October 2015
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