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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios



  • Hi friends..
    My story ..6 attempts 5 mains..first time failed in prelims...age 29.
    Frequent changes in exam syllabus pattern marking taking its toll.
    Now with one paper in prelims it is riskyas become a lottery..
    Now coming to topic...
    1. Why we need attempt?
    Sudden changes just 3 months before exam
    Only one paper with doubtful answers and no genuine key for representation
    Increased risk with one paper in pre
    2. solution
    Age 34 and 8 attempts
    Attempt for all 2015 candidates next year
    At least one year time period before any future changes
    2 paper in prelims to reduce uncertainty
    I think above demands are genuine given time and effort everyone has put in and sudden changes making all calculations wrong
    One should only go for additional attempts, age shoud be consequential.
    One year time period before notification will be crucial, but will self contradictory for 2016 attempts for us.
    Mention of doubtful answers is risky as UPSC will have to admit that and that will resistence to our demands greater.
    Lastly discussion on demand must continue as we must be on stron footing before we make representations to the government and all.
  • Hi friends..
    My story ..6 attempts 5 mains..first time failed in prelims...age 29.
    Frequent changes in exam syllabus pattern marking taking its toll.
    Now with one paper in prelims it is riskyas become a lottery..
    Now coming to topic...
    1. Why we need attempt?
    Sudden changes just 3 months before exam
    Only one paper with doubtful answers and no genuine key for representation
    Increased risk with one paper in pre
    2. solution
    Age 34 and 8 attempts
    Attempt for all 2015 candidates next year
    At least one year time period before any future changes
    2 paper in prelims to reduce uncertainty
    I think above demands are genuine given time and effort everyone has put in and sudden changes making all calculations wrong
    One should only go for additional attempts, age shoud be consequential.
    One year time period before notification will be crucial, but will self contradictory for 2016 attempts for us.
    Mention of doubtful answers is risky as UPSC will have to admit that and that will resistence to our demands greater.
    Lastly discussion on demand must continue as we must be on stron footing before we make representations to the government and all.
    That's why 8 attempts and 34 age
    Doubtful q-- in future upsc shud release key for pre
    I think only politicians shud be contacted since they have interests in form of votes and not bureaucrats at this strength of numbers shud be d key
  • Unless otherwise you people come to ground will not get any single response from govt. First you should arrange one meeting for this people AND COORDINATE ALL PEOPLES IN SINGLE ROOM WHETHER THEY ARE ACTIVE OR POSITIVE. Then take multi pronged approach to reach political leaders from all sides of nation. Each person can meet their MP/MLA AND IMPORTNT POLITICIANS FROM BOTH NATIONAL /REGIONAL PARTIES. AND LET OUR MEETING WITH SUCH POLITICIANS THROUGH MEDIA TO ALL LEVEL.
  • First step should be closed this forum page.AND WE SHOULD COME TO FACEBOOK OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM. otherwise this pages will be filed with only texts not actions . I think we are very slow.

  • if bureaucrats want,they can help,but they can't block the demand even if they want.It has been amply demonstrated in 2013 case.The upsc-dopt combined bureaucracy was die-hard opposed to 2013 demand.A mere phone call from Rahul Gandhi was enough to clear the bureaucratic stumbling-block.
  • All the necessary activites are going on. There are many people working for the cause. Keep on building the movement. Peiple are welcome to join our whats app group FIGHT FOR RIGHT agaisnt UPSC. And keep on studying.
  • First step should be closed this forum page.AND WE SHOULD COME TO FACEBOOK OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM. otherwise this pages will be filed with only texts not actions . I think we are very slow.

    Need to move to Facebook and whattsapp and move to ground asap..shud not waste time ...I think if we can get 1000 people on ground its enough
  • I spoke to a member of UP BJP. He said that if we make noise in the media and get news coverage then party members will raise the issue with government. Also meeting can be set with UP BJP President Laxmikant Vajpayee if enough students can be gathered for representation. Is this route a viable one? feedback would be appreciated
  • I spoke to a member of UP BJP. He said that if we make noise in the media and get news coverage then party members will raise the issue with government. Also meeting can be set with UP BJP President Laxmikant Vajpayee if enough students can be gathered for representation. Is this route a viable one? feedback would be appreciated
    If we can deliver noise through media then what is the need of UP BJP leaders ? Govt has to listen then through media...
    What I want to say, ask him if he can arrange a meeting with MoS DOPT in the first week of november? around 100 people delegation will meet him.
This discussion has been closed.


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