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[Official] CSP 2015 Notification is delayed



  • "The Commission is going to publish the Examination Notices for Indian Forest Service Examination, 2015 and Civil Services Examination, 2015 on the Commission's website on 23rd of May, 2015"
  • edited May 2015
    Apna Jitu bhi kabhi aspirant tha =D>

    Minister Says He Wanted To Be An IAS Officer

    New Delhi: Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) Jitendra Singh Thursday revealed he was among the aspirants for the Civil Services examination.

    Minister of State for PMO Jitendra Singh said that he wanted to be an IAS officer.

    This was during the public reception hosted to felicitate Singh for his role in the government decision to declare Civil Services Preliminary Examination General Studies Paper-II (CSAT) as a qualifying paper.

    Singh stressed the need for improvement in the functioning of Civil Services to ensure maximum governance with minimum government and asked future IAS officers to adapt to the changing requirement of the 21st century.

    Reaffirming the Narendra Modi government’s commitment to providing maximum governance with minimum government, Singh said it was equally important for future IAS officers to have a natural aptitude for providing the kind of administration, that the contemporary India requires.

  • UPSC shuffles answer scripts while evaluation for Mains is going on. Otherwise most people would fill up their Mains centre as places far off where the competition is relatively easier so that their answer script stands out. Doesn't work that way. You might appear for the exam from Guwahati but your answer script might still be evaluated immediately after the possible topper from Delhi.
  • Non- Delhi candidates applying early might backfire. In my opinion more serious+senior candidates apply early (this is proven by the fact that early roll numbers have more number of candidates getting selected at each stage).

    It won't make a difference in prelims but during mains it might. An answer sheet getting checked among better ones might fetch you relatively low marks than the other way round. There is a possibility as UPSC has categorically denied of any model answers.

    Though there's also a good possibility of answer sheets getting checked randomly

    @Etat i read your comment that you wish to get your roll number as less as possible. Your views regarding this?
    Bhai All Answer scripts from all centers are mixed and then allotted a unique no during the evaluation. Therefore it doesn't matter if you write from a centre that has more number of '"serious"aspirants. Going by that logic, one would stand a better chance of qualifying from Port Blair !
  • Optionals' syllabus revised!

    All the best!
  • Optionals' syllabus revised!

    All the best!
  • yes. read the notification
  • Photo daal de bhai jara
  • yes. read the notification
    U read the notification?
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