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Friends who gave up the hope of clearing mains.....

edited December 2014 in Miscellaneous
I could see lots of co-aspirants who gave up the hope of clearing mains.. We were not forced but chose to prepare for UPSC exams.. But giving up in the middle of the journey is not a wise thing to do.. Lets motivate ourselves to give a fight unmindful of the results..


  • i have lost sense of time, i come to forumias to look at the sidebar to see how many days are remaining.
  • @MarvHartigan To be frank , I came to know that I am not as confident as others.. Civil services exam is 50% attitude 50% preparation.... :(
  • Consider the "law of attraction".. Having this thread open will do none of us any good ! You keep attracting negative vibes onto yourself..and become more and more trounced in despair ! If you have to give a fight in the intervening period the most important thing to have is a positive frame of mind.. Try to inculcate that josh to give it whatever you have got..Dont think about the consequences..dont even think about the exam..just think about the coming 10-11 days and how you are going to deal with it..take it as a game, a gamble where you are just trying to maximize your score..Nothing more nothing less..

    Bury the ghosts of your cant help us one bit..thinking about lost time and lost opportunity is not gonna give us any browny points..we have already wasted enough time on that to realise that it is not worth it !!!

    The more you discuss about how you have lost hope the more hopeless you become..Atleast you can try and see how close you get to the cutoff..

    Life is too short to worry..So dont worry, just live this moment, this day !!!

    And on that note..please close this thread..its for the good of everyone..The right frame of mind is what we need right now and this thread doesnt help in that..

    PS: I'm only trying to help here..please dont get me wrong
  • @gkav Yep i agree...lets restrict ourselves dwelling into the past.. This thread is actually intended to help each other mutually.. When u did type your comment you would have undergone that positive vibe ( this is little philosophical :P).. That is the purpose of this thread.. Lets see how the discussion goes to help..
  • CSAT ke side effects !!!
  • Vaise Hope toh kaiyo ne chhod di hai , lekin bataa bahut kam rahe hain.............
  • @Macho_Man your statement in english please...
  • @Macho_Man your statement in english please...
    he's not real fuhrer, mate :P
  • @Macho_Man your statement in english please...

    Actually many people have already lost the battle and this is true , but very few are revealing it.
  • @Mycroft LOL :P...
    @Macho_Man : Even when we reveal it there is a small ray of hope in us.. Who knows what is in the box !!! Let us not strain ourself but see if we could do something in the days left...
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