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[CS Mains 2014 - DAF] Information, Cadre, Service Preference, etc



  • Please suggest , For Someone who is way more inclined towards Power than money, What should be the preference list?
    PLease answer
  • @TheWhiteTiger In PG education you have to select Others and then mention the diploma. Otherwise you may need extra certificate which mentions that PG diploma is equivalent to MBA. I know everyone knows this in general but to get this thing as written proof so better to clarify things beforehand.
    University also choose others and mention it
    Hope it helps
    @rob89 @vkk
    Thnx for the replies…
    but my second query remains..
    institue is not a deemed university….what i would write in University
  • Thanks @Kaka
    I will write Bangalore then. Only thing is that for salary, when I convert and write that in Rs., the figure become disproportionate for someone posted in Bangalore. or do you suggest me to write the equivalent pay someone gets in India for my position in my company?
  • @ArindamSarkar

    Thanks Arindam....i got your wishes for the exam....
    Welcome. Best of luck to you too.
  • thanks @Kaka and @ArindamSarkar ji... Still not able to access... Can anyone suggest something?? I've cleared cache and used many browsers too...I think its my ISP issue or some virus. Thanks anyway...
    Try using incognito mode..
  • Thanks @Kaka
    I will write Bangalore then. Only thing is that for salary, when I convert and write that in Rs., the figure become disproportionate for someone posted in Bangalore. or do you suggest me to write the equivalent pay someone gets in India for my position in my company?
    I think it is fine to write all what you have received in past 12 months and divide by 12 as monthly salary. So, include your dollar allowance conversions into it. Present an average of 12 months. Does not matter whatever equivalent position people are earning.
  • edited November 2014
    For those who drop Mains DAF by hand @ UPSC, do they provide any acknowledgement for submission? Speed Post guys can track and Registered post people can do A/D .. but what about those who submit by hand?
    Where do you need to submit? The same place .. the narrow lane where we go for Mains exams or the main entrance where we go for the interview?

    @Neanderthal .. Bro .. I think you stay stones throw .. what has been your experience?

  • Bureaucrats live all over the place in Delhi to be honest. Throw a stone and it'll hit a Babu right in the head here. Tsk.
  • Are you sure about it, @aamengineer ? Eg. IAS officers belonging to the NE states get to retain their govt. accommodation and not the others. Haven't heard this happening otherwise.

    Parents, if dependent, get diplomatic passports.
    That's pretty cool. Even otherwise, I am assuming they can travel with them overseas and stay for prolonged periods of time, @neanderthal?
  • edited November 2014
    Yeah, right across UPSC. I see it every single day, fortunately or otherwise. And yes, they do give an acknowledgement receipt. Narrow-lane, on the side @mango_dolly .

    Of course they can, @A_Usual_Suspect . They're family, innit? :)
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