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CSE-2013 Final Result Countdown



  • @rookie - I am not sure if I should be happy to see your insider info or sad..had AP Singh Board :(
  • @rookie- what is the difference between point 4 and point 6?
  • 10th June?? I have already cancelled my tickets for 13th June and booked for 11th instead. Now 10th? This is ridiculous :(
  • Ok here's some insider info which I had gotten some 3 days back but was waiting for final clearance!

    1. The members who have awarded above average marks to many - Kilemsungla, Vinay Mittal
    2. Highest number of below 100 marks awarded - Rajni Razdan
    3. Uniform distribution of marks across marking spectrum i.e marks awarded as per performance - David
    4. Neither below average nor above average marks to many - Amar and DK
    5. Below average marks to many - Chattar
    6. Just about average marks to many - Manbir
    7. Both very high marks and low marks - Alka and Rajni

    *Source - Classified.
    *Reliability according to my full experience - 80%
    So what is the thing that makes these boards, especially AS and RR to give too low marks??
  • @rookie - I am not sure if I should be happy to see your insider info or sad..had AP Singh Board :(
    me too :(
  • I am really very sad :( :(
  • I don't know what to make of this new info regarding David sir's board.
  • I am really very sad :( :(
    ye only ppl from VM,KS and David sir board are happy ..... but i still believe in god ...he will do something for the desreving ppl..
  • I am really very sad :( :(
    As per the info, he has given avg marks. Why r u sad?
  • I am really very sad :( :(
    ye only ppl from VM,KS and David sir board are happy ..... but i still believe in god ...he will do something for the desreving ppl..
    I completely agree with u. Anything is possible on result date and many myths will be broken on that day.
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