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CSE-2013 Final Result Countdown



  • Ok here's some insider info which I had gotten some 3 days back but was waiting for final clearance!

    1. The members who have awarded above average marks to many - Kilemsungla, Vinay Mittal
    2. Highest number of below 100 marks awarded - Rajni Razdan
    3. Uniform distribution of marks across marking spectrum i.e marks awarded as per performance - David
    4. Neither below average nor above average marks to many - Amar and DK
    5. Below average marks to many - Chattar
    6. Just about average marks to many - Manbir
    7. Both very high marks and low marks - Alka and Rajni

    *Source - Classified.
    *Reliability according to my full experience - 80%
    Which was ur board? Vinay mittal ?
  • Noooooo.. @rookie You are breaking the peace in this thread! [-( :-S
  • New members will tend to award average marks while the old members will have more variation ...
  • @neomini David sir is very much interested in what we say and do. It is what I gathered from others who were in my medical also.
  • Ok here's some insider info which I had gotten some 3 days back but was waiting for final clearance!

    1. The members who have awarded above average marks to many - Kilemsungla, Vinay Mittal
    2. Highest number of below 100 marks awarded - Rajni Razdan
    3. Uniform distribution of marks across marking spectrum i.e marks awarded as per performance - David
    4. Neither below average nor above average marks to many - Amar and DK
    5. Below average marks to many - Chattar
    6. Just about average marks to many - Manbir
    7. Both very high marks and low marks - Alka and Rajni

    *Source - Classified.
    *Reliability according to my full experience - 80%
    so ppl who are not in so called high scoring board are out of the race without even entering the interview room ...Thts not fair ....really ....when future decided by even a single mark difference of 10-20 randomly is a crual joke to the student who put their life for this exam

    think abt it
  • Has Mr. Chhatar Singh taken any UPSC interview before? Any input about him would be of great help.
  • edited May 2014
    @neanderthal the informant who gave this info just said "average" so I used the same thing.. However I'll try confirming what does that average mean. My guess it is 170.

    @discover Yes! My board was Vinay Mittal :D

    @heyram bro many were asking for any insider inputs.. Initially I thought lets not put it up here, but finally I relented !

    @all Also that guy said there's a slight chance of result coming even on 10th !
  • edited May 2014
    Ok here's some insider info which I had gotten some 3 days back but was waiting for final clearance!

    1. The members who have awarded above average marks to many - Kilemsungla, Vinay Mittal
    2. Highest number of below 100 marks awarded - Rajni Razdan
    3. Uniform distribution of marks across marking spectrum i.e marks awarded as per performance - David
    4. Neither below average nor above average marks to many - Amar and DK
    5. Below average marks to many - Chattar
    6. Just about average marks to many - Manbir
    7. Both very high marks and low marks - Alka and Rajni

    *Source - Classified.
    *Reliability according to my full experience - 80%
    so ppl who are not in so called high scoring board are out of the race without even entering the interview room ...Thts not fair ....really ....when future decided by even a single mark difference of 10-20 randomly is a crual joke to the student who put their life for this exam

    think abt it
    Completely fully and absolutely agree with this. :|
    Which was your board btw ?
  • Ok here's some insider info which I had gotten some 3 days back but was waiting for final clearance!

    1. The members who have awarded above average marks to many - Kilemsungla, Vinay Mittal
    2. Highest number of below 100 marks awarded - Rajni Razdan
    3. Uniform distribution of marks across marking spectrum i.e marks awarded as per performance - David
    4. Neither below average nor above average marks to many - Amar and DK
    5. Below average marks to many - Chattar
    6. Just about average marks to many - Manbir
    7. Both very high marks and low marks - Alka and Rajni

    *Source - Classified.
    *Reliability according to my full experience - 80%
    Bhai any chance he said about the range of th highest? 240 like last time or proportionate like 220. This statistic will have great importance to determine the relative importance of the interview in the whole scheme of things.
  • ^^ bhai I didnt cross question him about anything nor do I plan to do before June 11th... He said he saw a couple of them getting 212 215. But that can be or cannot be the max marks.. I strongly doubt any member would have given someone 240 based on a 25 min Q n A session.
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