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CSE-2013 Final Result Countdown



  • @all please have a look at this data.
    Though it is old....but it shows all kind of marks are awarded by each and evry board.....dont go by rumor mongers
    Nearly all members changed now...but it shows the invariability
    You may b right bro but the kind of insider info doing rounds it is clear that generous 3 are rocking (VM,KILIM,DAVID)
    hmmm i agree....let INDIA confirm the interview details....till then we can only wait....dont ponder over it much and think negatively....its jst a matter of 10-12 days
  • @all please have a look at this data.
    Though it is old....but it shows all kind of marks are awarded by each and evry board.....dont go by rumor mongers
    Nearly all members changed now...but it shows the invariability
    You may b right bro but the kind of insider info doing rounds it is clear that generous 3 are rocking (VM,KILIM,DAVID)
    hmmm i agree....let INDIA confirm the interview details....till then we can only wait....dont ponder over it much and think negatively....its jst a matter of 10-12 days
    Yeaaa bro..........this one.

  • @all please have a look at this data.
    Though it is old....but it shows all kind of marks are awarded by each and evry board.....dont go by rumor mongers
    Nearly all members changed now...but it shows the invariability
    You may b right bro but the kind of insider info doing rounds it is clear that generous 3 are rocking (VM,KILIM,DAVID)
    these big 3 might have interviews (3003/7)*3 candidate thts around 1287 everythng settled now we have 1200 vacancy and 1287 people interviewd by Generous 3 boarcd
  • @all please have a look at this data.
    Though it is old....but it shows all kind of marks are awarded by each and evry board.....dont go by rumor mongers
    Nearly all members changed now...but it shows the invariability
    You may b right bro but the kind of insider info doing rounds it is clear that generous 3 are rocking (VM,KILIM,DAVID)
    these big 3 might have interviews (3003/7)*3 candidate thts around 1287 everythng settled now we have 1200 vacancy and 1287 people interviewd by Generous 3 boarcd
    better u go by 3003*3/ still some seats for u
  • Can anybody tell me howz d marking pattrn of Kilemsunga in IFos
  • @all please have a look at this data.
    Though it is old....but it shows all kind of marks are awarded by each and evry board.....dont go by rumor mongers
    Nearly all members changed now...but it shows the invariability
    You may b right bro but the kind of insider info doing rounds it is clear that generous 3 are rocking (VM,KILIM,DAVID)
    these big 3 might have interviews (3003/7)*3 candidate thts around 1287 everythng settled now we have 1200 vacancy and 1287 people interviewd by Generous 3 boarcd
    better u go by 3003*3/ still some seats for u
    yeah 3003*3/9 thts around 1000 so we still have 200 vacancy up for grab Hurray .thanks man for correcting me and infusing me new hope and energy
  • Guys...dnt do this @-)
  • @all please have a look at this data.
    Though it is old....but it shows all kind of marks are awarded by each and evry board.....dont go by rumor mongers
    Nearly all members changed now...but it shows the invariability
    You may b right bro but the kind of insider info doing rounds it is clear that generous 3 are rocking (VM,KILIM,DAVID)
    these big 3 might have interviews (3003/7)*3 candidate thts around 1287 everythng settled now we have 1200 vacancy and 1287 people interviewd by Generous 3 boarcd
    better u go by 3003*3/ still some seats for u
    yeah 3003*3/9 thts around 1000 so we still have 200 vacancy up for grab Hurray .thanks man for correcting me and infusing me new hope and energy
    Yea bro ........ab hum bhi mana sakte haun khushi is da ....tum abhi se mat ho jao dukhi is da.............via gopi :-))
  • @hasan- I heard she rarely gives below average marks. Average to above average is her middle range. So you should be good :)
  • m worried after seeing the sensational info.
    Mine interview was with manbir sir.
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