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Mathematics optional for UPSC Mains



  • Upsc is removing optional from 2016 :- \m/
    Please quote your source or give us some logic on the basis of which you arrived at this conclusion

  • rubbish, do not believe such rumours
  • Hey Guys - I ordered Brilliant tutorial Maths material to see answers to previous year questions. However they haven't given solution from year 2011 onwards. Where Can i get solutions for exam paper of year 2011,12,13 and 14 ? Please help. Apeearing for Year 2015.
    You may get it from IMS or students studying there.
  • Upsc is removing optional from 2016 :- \m/
    Please quote your source or give us some logic on the basis of which you arrived at this conclusion

    Those who dont hv anything to do... spread such rumors. Dont pay any attention to these guys.

  • Frndss..Can I score 300 marks with the prepratn level I hav
    I hav not yet studied STATICS in paper 1
    Nd algebra,mechanics , fluid and computer in paper 2..
    If not,,, what shud I do to get maxmum marks bcoz tim is not enough to cover them.. plz help me frndd
  • DIAS Maths Test series is very good .papers are personally evaluated by sir and discussed .
    They have restarted their class room programme and it provides very good alternative to IMS
  • Frndss..Can I score 300 marks with the prepratn level I hav
    I hav not yet studied STATICS in paper 1
    Nd algebra,mechanics , fluid and computer in paper 2..
    If not,,, what shud I do to get maxmum marks bcoz tim is not enough to cover them.. plz help me frndd
    I would suggest to complete high yielding areas like ODE, PDE, Vector, LPP, Numerical Analysis first. Then you can go for Calculus and real analysis. Then if time permits do Dynamics/Statics/Mechanics/FD from 10 markers point of view. Even modern algebra could be handy in paper II.

  • @mimansa which book to refer for PDE - Part 3 of ODE book by MD Raisinghania or Advanced differential equation ?
  • where can I buy maths mock test papers from?
  • I need Mathematics Optional material of IMS with solved Question papers.
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