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Mathematics optional for UPSC Mains



  • Alpha , Beta and gamma functions are in syllabus (real analysis)
  • Guys, In case of non linear pde, which I am doing by Raisinghania book, do I have to do all methods or only Cauchy's method of characteristics as mentioned in the syllabus. Thanks.
  • Paper-2year 2004.Question number 3(c) Section A.Real analysis
    Can somebody help...
  • Hi,,

    I guess the standard books are more or less same, but can someone post what chapters to study from the standard books.

    I have tried to get that by reading syllabus, but couldn't really get anything from there
  • anybody here from thane, mumbai ,navi mumbai region preparing for 2016 maths opt? please let me know
  • Alpha , Beta and gamma functions are in syllabus (real analysis)
    I'm not sure if they are in syllabus but what i do know is they are very helpful in finding definite integrals. So, i'd recommend reading about them.
  • Guys, In case of non linear pde, which I am doing by Raisinghania book, do I have to do all methods or only Cauchy's method of characteristics as mentioned in the syllabus. Thanks.
    I think all methods w.r.t quasi linear PDE and only Cauchy's Method of Characteristics in Non-Linear.

    In the syllabus that's why they make a distinction of till Quasi-Linear and Non-Linear.
  • Hi,,

    I guess the standard books are more or less same, but can someone post what chapters to study from the standard books.

    I have tried to get that by reading syllabus, but couldn't really get anything from there
    It depends of which topic you are talking about and which book is in your possession
  • seniors plz help....i will be giving civil services next year....i haven't yet decided my optional....presently i am in final year of engg from will be mathematics as an optional for me? much time will it take to cover it if i start from scratch....will it be covered before prelims...i can give maximum 4-5 hours each day on optional preparation.....plz plz help seniors
  • Refer books mentioned by prakash Rajpurohit and kashish Mittal in their blogs... you can check previous years papers to check will maths be better for you or not?
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