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MPSC prelim 2017 analysis and Cutoff prediction..



  • Where r insider sources?
  • Theres an issue of parallel reservation that is delaying the result. Hearing is on 10th of January. Dont think result will arrive prior to that date.
  • hey i have doubt...
    anyone filled application fr state services prelims?
    while updating the profile.. some part cant b edited .. mostly half.. for ex name, permanent address and many ..

    those who filled form experienced the same?

    how to edit that? or only new profile is the option?
  • name and address can be changed only by contacting mpsc support details available on mahampsc need to create new profile..
  • bhavanno, kindly tell me which test series should i buy from mains? i belong to a poor family so i want to invest money effectively.
  • I think Pr
    bhavanno, kindly tell me which test series should i buy from mains? i belong to a poor family so i want to invest money effectively.
    I think Prithvi is the best option. Contact patil sir directly, he would give u concession too. Also, u wd get test series xerox of all coaching institutes.. get them too.. joining test series has an advantage of discussion. ( I myself had got all copies from xerox center)
  • Theres an issue of parallel reservation that is delaying the result. Hearing is on 10th of January. Dont think result will arrive prior to that date.
    MPSC is being funny here. Parallel reservation doesn't mean to deny category students a chance to be qualified from open. Mpsc has this narration of parallel res. Now category gals can't fight from open quota even if hv higher marks than open gals, thereby creating a seperate reservation for open gals. I heard MAT also ordered in favour of category students...
  • @Restless , Which Xerox center in pune ? or any other place?
  • Study circle chya baajucha xerox center. Pre che pan sarwa classes walyanche bhetatat...
  • mpsc should atleast publish second key asap...there is no reason to wait for courts order to publish second key :D
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