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Physics Optional for CS Mains



  • directly use E
    I am asking about about electric field of dipole not the external E that is given for calculating energy.
  • Directly calculate E using Coloumbs law
  • Directly calculate E using Coloumbs law

  • can somebody plzz. share ghatak and lokanathan books of quantum as mentioned by abhijeet agarwal. I m not able to download from torrentz due to low no. of seeders. Plz help
  • how is dias coaching fr physics also i have good basics in physics as i gave iit jee....plz suggest shud i join coaching in delhi. i stay in mumbai
  • @invoker not absolutely necessary if you are able to understand concepts on your own. Just take rishav gupta's notes to know what topics to study. His notes are mostly just dias class notes. Dias notes help you identify what to study and what not to study. I recommend that you take their test series as you'll understand how to write answers and how evaluation is done. You can write test series online and send them the answers via mail. So you really don't need go to delhi.
  • can anyone plz share d test series experience of dias for physics(can we contact d evaluator for personal guidance for answer writing) and how is teaching of vajpayee sir?
  • Anyone here who is giving IFoS exam? How different is the IFoS physics syllabus and strategy than CSE ? and What other optional people of physics generally taking?
  • Can anyone tell why people prefer Evernote over OneNote or other ?? What advantages Evernote has got ??
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