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[Draft Uploaded] Collective Efforts to Demand Extra Age / Attempts for 2015 and 2011-2014 scenarios



  • Count me in13
  • @gks bhai just making draft n presenting to the committee ,is appreciable ,but unfortunately has to be resounding.sarkaar behri hai..i reiterate...SARKAAR BAHRI HAI!
    We have to prepare for ground action as early as possible

  • @gks bhai just making draft n presenting to the committee ,is appreciable ,but unfortunately has to be resounding.sarkaar behri hai..i reiterate...SARKAAR BAHRI HAI!
    We have to prepare for ground action as early as possible


  • Convince as many of our friends as we can for ground action with full devotion for may be days, week or month till our attempt restored
  • Count me in 14. one more thing..bhai @gks .. when we will be getting the final made a very good draft...just incorporate some of the suggestions given by fellow my view, length of draft doesn't matter whether it is short or lengthy...what matters most is whether it includes all the arguments or not...which i thing u have....i liked the suggestions recommended by @pulkc ..plz also incorporate those things...i am already given my suggestions to include 2011 candidates also..thanks..
  • Count me in.. 15
  • @all as @Battle_begins2015 suggested - please share your numbers in PMs with @InGamble2016

    and please contact @ananduthaman for FB and Twitter - He would be handling it and he is ALREADY working on strategy for FB and Twitter
    Pls remove the refernce to gandhi and bose...doesnt serve the purpose and wud send a wrong msg
  • Count me in 16
  • Draft would be final by friday and we'll be sending it on friday - in HUGE Numbers
  • gksgks
    edited October 2015
    It can be incorporated but -
    Tell the name with whom it should be compared ? we need SOMEONE to compare with . . . .

    or please write the rephrased paragraph here .
This discussion has been closed.


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