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[Official] The Doubts Thread for Indian Polity



  • Executive majority = >50 % of effective strength.

    Effective strength= total strength- vacancies on ground of death, resignation, retirement, etc.
    = 245- vacancies if any.

    If there are no vacancies, as the situation currently is, then it becomes equivalent to majority of the total membership.

    This is my final understanding of the term, after a lot of confusion.
  • hi all, today i read a news report according to which VHP says that minority chracter of an educational institution should be determined by the composition of students not by the religion of its administrators.
    what are ur views on this??
  • @LordCalvin

    Thank you.
    But what about say jaylalitha - she was immediately disqualified. No need for president assent. Or is that bec it was not an election issue but a corruption one under RPA

    Polity is confusing. New rules all the time. Feels like calvinball :P
  • Hello all,
    Can all political parties be asked by Central Information commission to disclose information under RTI Act?
  • Wrt money bill provisions u/A 110 point 3, 4, 5, and 6 ..seem to be overlapping wrt to the CFI as all mention withdrawal/ appropriation - payment into/ receipt of money in CFI

    Laxmikanth pg 22.19 .point 3,4,5,6...

    Anyone please clarify? Vry confusing
  • edited July 2015
    Also. Fin bill II contains provisions involving expenditure frm CFI but does not include any of the matters mentioned in art. 110 is said to be Fin Bill II ..but this exp thing is mentioned in 110 point 4... hw to differentiate then..

    Again, it says the Fin Bill 2 cant b passed until it is recommended to that house for its considerstion but then in next line it says..for fin bill 2 recommendatiom of president is not necessary for its introduction...

    What am i missing..?

    Ref- laxmikanth pg 22.20 under fin bill II
  • edited July 2015
    Also...defeat of ord bill may lead to resignation of govt. If its introduced by minister...does it necessarily leads to resignation of govt. ?

    Mentioned on same pg 22.20 laxmi under the tables of ord bill vs money bill..8th point under ordinary bill..
  • Koi jag nhi raha h kya? :-/
  • @Teddy..your possibility is correct.the Joint Committee set up by the Lok Sabha on a bill introduced therein will also dissolve on d dissolution of Lok Sabha and as such the Members of the Rajya Sabha serving on such committee ll also cease to be the Members of the JC.Thus a bill introduced in the Lok Sabha and reffered to d JC will new Joint Committee has to be constituted. In case a bill introduced in the Rajya Sabha and reffered to JC set up by the RS will not lapse on the date of dissolution of the LS....
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