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[Official] CSP 2015 Notification is delayed



  • poori tarah khatam kardo humein. Age 26 kardo aur attempt 2. 2 attempt bhi one during year of graduation and one just after that.
  • exam wont be postponed...tthose spreading rumourss if u really want to compete get out of your shallow tactics and study else the world will say "tutal tutak tutiya" to all of u.
    ps---its a boollywood hit.
  • ALL THE BEST TO ALL MY FRIENDS...m leaving the forum so that i can focus on my studies...goodbye :D
  • ps---only this profile is will be there to play rugby :-))
    bye from @GabbarIsBack
  • Gopala Krishna, Director, Brain Tree has no clue at all. Times of India touched upon it , but only partially.
    Bhai.....why you are saying prelims will be delayed? And do you have any news on optional removal for 2015? I know you said it will be removed from 2016 only but now that you are saying a delay in the entire process, just wanted to know whether you have got any updated news on the optional issue.....Please clarify
  • If there is any doubt regarding 4+2+1 attempts or this will continue..
  • edited May 2015
    Actually I got a news. There is 1129 Vacancies for this Year and Notification on 23 March 2015. This all I know. From TIME institute in Chennai.

    Dear Aspirants,GOOD NEWS!!! This year (2015) Total Vacancy in CIVIL SERVICES EXAM is 1129.Notification will be published on 23.05.2015. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST. Regards T.I.M.E. 8939696868/69.
    not sure about vacancies but ..even i got the same info from one of my friend that notification will be on 23 rd may
  • UPSC must come up with strong statements.

    kisi ne kaha CSAT hata do..kisi ne kaha english hata do..
    kal koi aaega aur kahega UPSC selection k liye v voting kara lo..
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