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Management optional for UPSC Civil Services



  • edited January 2015
    @ all ( specially senior players)

    I need a help on Management. I have following queries on Management UPSC optional

    1. What does UPSC Management evaluators want to see in our answer paper ? What do they expect from us to write in mains Textbook Concepts, HBR Concepts, Organization examples, Organizational challenges, linking theory to practice, Famous frameworks, etc

    2. What the parameters does Management Evaluator values the most ?
    Decent writing style, more no of examples, technical jargons, application of concepts or critiquing the concept ?

    3. What is the repetitive parts in HRM ? Do we have some famous questions ( which usually repeats either continuously or alternatively ) ?

    I will be grateful if someone who is familiar with Management Mains optional replies to above queries

  • @ all ( specially senior players)

    I need a help on Management. I have following queries on Management UPSC optional
    Is there anyone who can help me with my above queries for Management optional
  • edited February 2015
    Hi @all

    Where to get Instructors' Manual of Operations Management (2E) B. Mahadevan

    Many Thanks.
  • @asim @kaka

    How you guys got a soft copy of Instructors' Manual of Operations Management (2E) B. Mahadevan ?

    Many Thanks.
  • @asim @kaka

    How you guys got a soft copy of Instructors' Manual of Operations Management (2E) B. Mahadevan ?

    Many Thanks.
    Singh bhai, I do not have this thing. Looks like an instructor's license or something must be required for this. If you are really keen on getting it, try asking your friends for its availability on a B-school's LAN.

  • edited February 2015
    @asim @kaka

    Have you guys got a soft copy of Instructors' Manual of Operations Management (2E) B. Mahadevan ?

    Many Thanks.
    Singh bhai, I do not have this thing. Looks like an instructor's license or something must be required for this. If you are really keen on getting it, try asking your friends for its availability on a B-school's LAN.

    Thanks for reply.
    I approached Pearson. They said access available only for teaching faculty.
  • Any insider news about management marks this time?:)
  • nksnks
    edited February 2015

    I have a doubt regarding Management Paper II.
    Is the usage of calculator allowed in the exam?
    I went through the instructions and found no specific mention of the same

    If it is not allowed then i am really scared of the manual calculation part as even computing a simple standard deviation could prove to be very cumbersome and time consuming.
  • Guys,

    I have a doubt regarding Management Paper II.
    Is the usage of calculator allowed in the exam?
    I went through the instructions and found no specific mention of the same

    If it is not allowed then i am really scared of the manual calculation part as even computing a simple standard deviation could prove to be very cumbersome and time consuming.
    Non programmable calculator is allowed

  • Guys,

    I have a doubt regarding Management Paper II.
    Is the usage of calculator allowed in the exam?
    I went through the instructions and found no specific mention of the same

    If it is not allowed then i am really scared of the manual calculation part as even computing a simple standard deviation could prove to be very cumbersome and time consuming.
    You can use casio fx 911 or other similar calculators. And as @searchkunal said the distinction is it should be non programmable. Do not worry.. In the mains exam not many people check calculators. In last mains one of the lady invigilator fiddled with my fx 911 for five minutes and I was oblivious about it. I reached out for my calculator and panicked as it was not there. Then I saw it in the lady's hand and she apologised for it. Hehehehe....
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