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[Kolkata] Forum IAS Kolkata / WB Corner (Turning Tides)



  • @LadameParisien how did it go? u in kolkata or back to paris ?
  • @amujay not good yaar not feeling very confident at all. .back in Paris left Kolkata Monday early morning and joined back office today, still to match keys..ekdum exhausted! How was your exam?
  • Hello! Anybody home? What are you doing now? Started reading for mains yet?
  • Hello! Anybody home? What are you doing now? Started reading for mains yet?
    wasting my time over here on cut off speculations . i feel more tensed post 24th than i was before :)) .
  • Hello! Anybody home? What are you doing now? Started reading for mains yet?
    wasting my time over here on cut off speculations . i feel more tensed post 24th than i was before :)) .
    Join us on the night-owls' thread. We're getting down to business and restarting our prep.
  • 2 answer keys 2 different scores lots of cut off predictions..everything seems to be in a confusion..
    paper was certainly more easy in 2012-13 exam
    still wondering about the source of env. questions
    and add to that watched a terrible(new) movie..
    finally reading all quiet in the western front..some releive.. :D
  • 2 answer keys 2 different scores lots of cut off predictions..everything seems to be in a confusion..
    paper was certainly more easy in 2012-13 exam
    still wondering about the source of env. questions
    and add to that watched a terrible(new) movie..
    finally reading all quiet in the western front..some releive.. :D
    I just read half of it - AQWF . Beyond which it got too repetitive. ;) Will finish that after the exam season is over.
  • @arindam..

    yeah i agree but beleive me after watching the movie i had a strong urge to kill myself and an unbearable headache lasting for full 24 hrs..
  • Knock Knock!!
  • @arindam..

    yeah i agree but beleive me after watching the movie i had a strong urge to kill myself and an unbearable headache lasting for full 24 hrs..
    German stuff can do that. I was for disturbed for several days after watching Schindler's list. Since then I've avoided WW2 stuff.
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