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  • Hey, I also did the same mistake, my invigilator told me that in my second exam and said that she corrected it in first paper OMR sheet? have you done anything in this regard?
  • Male, looking for a room. Coming to Delhi for interview preparation. Room location should be shadipur. Rent range
  • I got 286 this year in PSIR, 140 and 146 in first and second paper respectively. Would be happy to help if anybody does require it yes. Let us know paper 2 reference books and strategy for preparation and answer writing.
  • Hi, I am having PSIR optional. I am consistently scoring 148 in paper 1 , but loosing second paper at 110 in last two attempts. if any one is there please guide me in paper 2. I got low score in paper 1(97). I have only read shubra mam notes for pap…
  • Hi, I am having PSIR optional. I am consistently scoring 148 in paper 1 , but loosing second paper at 110 in last two attempts. if any one is there please guide me in paper 2. I got low score in paper 1(97). I have only read shubra mam notes for pap…
  • Here we can discuss books and stratergies for PSIR. yes, Books also , important. we can share test series or notes of different institutes.
  • Hi, I have a decent 5 year background in Pol sci and hopeful of writing maina this year . I think paper 2 is consistently going to go up in terms of difficulty level because paper 1 leaves little room for the same. Simple and short strategy of gain…
  • Hi, I am having PSIR optional. I am consistently scoring 148 in paper 1 , but loosing second paper at 110 in last two attempts. if any one is there please guide me in paper 2. Piyush sir once said: If you are preparing for paper 2 thinking you are p…
  • Hey.. My optional is psir too.. I plan to join psir test series by a faculty Dr Tyagi. Heard he's an author of IR book too Do you know any reviews about Tyagi? Writing book is not a sole criteria, i feel !!! What you say?
  • Hi, I am having PSIR optional. I am consistently scoring 148 in paper 1 , but loosing second paper at 110 in last two attempts. if any one is there please guide me in paper 2.


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