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  • I qualified Mains in my first attempt in 2013. Missed the final list by 10 marks. I failed Mains in 2014 by 3 marks courtsey 71 in Pub Ad P1. I failed Prelims 2015 probably by one or two questions. I am in the same boat as you. My struggles are the …
  • out , when will they provide marks Possibly after July!
  • I qualified Mains in my first attempt in 2013. Missed the final list by 10 marks. I failed Mains in 2014 by 3 marks courtsey 71 in Pub Ad P1. I failed Prelims 2015 probably by one or two questions. I am in the same boat as you. My struggles are the …
  • Negative!
  • Hello guys, Did you know I too crossed the very same path! So I suggest you to visit R K Ashram once particularly attend the Sunday Youth Meet at least once. And if possible buy some wonderful quote charts/posters of Swami Vivekanand from there. Bel…
  • Hello guys, Did you know? I too crossed the very same path! So I suggest you to visit R K Ashram of your City/Town once particularly attend the Sunday Youth Meet at least once. And if possible buy some wonderful quote charts/posters of Swami Viveka…
  • Hello @billybobby Ji, been a long time since you shared a post on ForumIAS. May be you should do that more often. Welcome back ! Just in case you were thinking of yourself a loner, know that you're not alone. There are many others with similar ups &…
  • How far is SAM college of engineering & tech chhawani Bhopal .....from Bhopal railway station???? Ma'am, could u plz give lil bit more details? If it's at Raisen Road then it's nearly 8-12 kms away but quite easy to reach through Small Ferries (…
  • Yeah I got confirmation mail after successful payment. Try to reconfirm from your bank. Did anyone get any acknowledgment (either mobile or E-mail) after successful submition of application form, from MPPSC? I only got the money deduction message( …
  • Dear @admin @root or whosoever is concerned. I too getting 100s of messages & email to remove themselves. Albeit, I myself unaware of these spams. Please resolve the issue at earliest. Thanks :-)


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