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  • So, have they removed an additional criteria of 55percent in MAsters? I have 59 % in graduation but 1st division in masters... I could apply earlier... does it mean i can't apply any more? Should I just throw my MA Eco degree in a bin now?
  • 6) a man ordered four pair of black socks.the price of a black sock is double that of a brown pair.while preparing the bill ,the clerk interchanged the no of black & brown sock socks by mistake which increased the bill by 50%.what will be the r…
  • 5)a fruit seller buys some oranges @ 4 for rs 10 and an equal number more @ 5 for rs 10.he sells the whole lot at 9 for rs 20.what is his loss or gain % ? articles Price C.P of 1st batch …
  • 4) what will be the minimum value of (x-2) (x-9) ? The minimum value will be -6 If you put x= 0, then then we will get 18. If you put x= 10, then you will get 8. However, if you put a number x between 2 and 9, it will generate negative answer. So on…
  • 1) A and B can complete a job in 8 days.both b and C,working alone can finish the same job in 12 days. A and B commence work on the job and work for 4 days,then A leaves and B continues for 2 more days and then leaves too.C now starts working,and fi…
  • The age limit for statistical investigator has been its 32 years
  • The irony is that SSC CGL and CHLS contains English questions even though they are lower level posts...while the IAS aspirants seek to remove English in the paper meant to make bureaucrats of the country... I dont understand why people can't just s…
  • I definitely think the scores are being over estimated bcoz of comparison with previous year. Bt its not fair to compare this year wid previous year. Bcoz if u see 2012 scores were low and people underestimated 13 cut offs. Each year is different fr…
  • I definitely think the scores are being over estimated bcoz of comparison with previous year. Bt its not fair to compare this year wid previous year. Bcoz if u see 2012 scores were low and people underestimated 13 cut offs. Each year is different fr…
  • Re exam toh difficult hai... Only 2 people were caught cheating and as of now there is no big news of paper leak. Even if people put in RTI, there is less chance of Re exam by ssc. Better to focus on ssc2015 now. Although pagalguy is full of people …


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