Quick Addition : Website URL for Applying for CSE -
http://upsconline.nic.in/I have given 4 mains but unsuccessful ...reason pub ad ...now I have few ques
1. I have already filled up Civil Services form both for IAS and IFS but I am not sure of appearing this year for IAS as its my 6th and last attempt.
2. I want to fill another form for IFS only but not sure whether I will study Geology or Forestry in this less time.
3. So is it possible for me to fill another form for IFS only and choose at last to appear for prelims out of two admit card generated.
my earlier form will be cancelled (i.e the one for IAS & IFS) and only the latest one will be valid (i.e. for IFS only)??
4. As far as I know earlier form is automatically cancelled by UPSC . Thus, is it possible that my both forms remain valid at last and two admit card generated and I can choose at last which one to appear for.
As it is the last day to fill form so those who are 100% clear about it please answer.
i think its wise to save the attempt and give only ifos exam
yes i think only ifos hall ticket is generated that is the one with heigher registration number alone is generated....
You can confirm this from the notification.
But just wanted to be sure. How to check that ??
I saw the mail from UPSC . Would request for Inputs on whether it is sufficient.
I had made online payment through SBI account.
Note : This is a system generated mail. Please do not reply it.
Application successfully completed (Part I & Part II).
You have successfully submitted your application for Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2016 and It is subject to further scrutiny in terms of prescribed eligibility conditions.
Your candidature is further subject to the eligibility criterion as per the notification and acceptability of your photo & signature as well as verification of payment of FEE in case you are not a FEE exempted candidate.
Check if everything is correct