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Last Day to Fill up CSE & IFS Form - All Doubts & Discussions



  • @street_fighter.. What if I dont fill part 2 of my form and leave it like this.

    Will my first form which I submitted earlier will be considered
    yes if you don't fill part-b, the first form will be valid.
  • @deep12 I think you should ideally fill it again and not take any chances, select the nearest center available now, probably Bhopal (probably better for NCR than BLR). Also email UPSC about the previous form submission issue if that gets resolved you can use that for appearing in exam in NCR itself.
  • @deep12 better to not take tension and write application to upsc i think they would consider your case and they wouldnt be like ssc or someother comission maine issue is categry not these things ( its just assumption )
  • They main issue for which you can be rejected is categry all other things not such relavant specially realted to upsc :smile:
  • 'Note that your attempt will not be counted if you fill the form, but do not attempt the exam on August 7.'

    I got a reminder mail from forumias like this....

    My doubt: Is it true....If We dinn attend the exam...then that attempt is not taken into account....Someone please throw some light on this
  • As the auto generated mail says " Your candidature is further subject to the eligibility criterion as per the notification and acceptability of your photo & signature as well as verification of payment of FEE in case you are not a FEE exempted candidate."... Can anyone please let me know when UPSC shall inform if anything goes wrong and till when we have to rectify it ?

  • 'Note that your attempt will not be counted if you fill the form, but do not attempt the exam on August 7.'

    I got a reminder mail from forumias like this....

    My doubt: Is it true....If We dinn attend the exam...then that attempt is not taken into account....Someone please throw some light on this
    If you don't appear for exam that means you will not sign the attendance your attempt will not be counted. Dont worry !
  • As the auto generated mail says " Your candidature is further subject to the eligibility criterion as per the notification and acceptability of your photo & signature as well as verification of payment of FEE in case you are not a FEE exempted candidate."... Can anyone please let me know when UPSC shall inform if anything goes wrong and till when we have to rectify it ?

    There will not be any rectification now.
    If you have filled the form correctly, your photo and signature okay and payment is successfull then dont worry. Its a regular auto generated email.
  • I belong to OBC NCL and I have only the scan copy of OBC certificate dated back Dec 2012 as I submitted the original one to the grad college. I tried my best to get a new one before the last day of application (27-May-2015) but was unsuccessful because of the administrative delay. I will get the new one in next 2-3 days. Meanwhile I filled the application form as OBC and gave the date of certificate as Dec 2012 referring to scan copy of OBC that I have currently. Will it create any problem ? I will get the new one in this week.
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