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Prelims 2016 General Studies Concept Clarity and Discussion



  • @IWRA @trying_tobawesm @arrow28 and others

    After burning the crop residue which nutrients are replenished the most ?
    In burning the crop residue we are doing nothing but oxidising the elements already present in the crop.The elements which can escape as gases after oxidation, like Nitrogen and sulphur would be lost substantially.Otherwise, the soil is replenished by calcium, potassium, magnesium and the micronutrients or trace elements.
    If you ask for maximum replenishment, I think potash would be the answer.Remember, in the ratio NPK, potassium is supplied to the plants in the maximum amount by weight.
  • @IWRA @trying_tobawesm @arrow28 and others

    After burning the crop residue which nutrients are replenished the most ?
    In burning the crop residue we are doing nothing but oxidising the elements already present in the crop.The elements which can escape as gases after oxidation, like Nitrogen and sulphur would be lost substantially.Otherwise, the soil is replenished by calcium, potassium, magnesium and the micronutrients or trace elements.
    If you ask for maximum replenishment, I think potash would be the answer.Remember, in the ratio NPK, potassium is supplied to the plants in the maximum amount by weight.
    Sorry, read Phosphorous not potash in the last two lines.
  • In this instance we could not play off the Mohammedans against the Hindus- Its a 2000 question. The answer is either 1857 revolt or Kilafat Movement. Different sources giving these two answers. Which could be the correct one ?
    Khilafat movement, as there hardly existed any rift between Hindus and Muslim during 1857. The rift started mainly after Swadeshi movement/ Bengal Partition. So, during the non-cooperation, there was urgent need to draw the muslims into the movement, so we could not afford to compete with them. So, i think answer is khilafat movement.

    Ok, I will update a confirmed answer soon
  • PranHita is the tributary of Ganga.
    Wardha, wainganga, penganga are tributaries of Pranahita.
    So are these tributaries of Ganga as well ?
  • PranHita is the tributary of Ganga.
    Wardha, wainganga, penganga are tributaries of Pranahita.
    So are these tributaries of Ganga as well ?
    The obvious answer to which is YES
    sorry for this question.
    MCQs sometimes kill the common sense in me

  • PranHita is the tributary of Ganga.
    Wardha, wainganga, penganga are tributaries of Pranahita.
    So are these tributaries of Ganga as well ?
    The obvious answer to which is YES
    sorry for this question.
    MCQs sometimes kill the common sense in me

    Pranhita is a tributory of Godavari river, not Ganga.
  • @Udur @IWRA and others
    Can anyone provide me list of state animals for different States and UTs in India ?
  • PranHita is the tributary of Ganga.
    Wardha, wainganga, penganga are tributaries of Pranahita.
    So are these tributaries of Ganga as well ?

    Pranhita is tributary of Godvari
    Pranhita is a confluence of Wainganga (longest ), Wardha and Penganga
    Since Pranhita is a confluence of 3 major sub-tributary of Godvari it is the largest tributary (in terms of Water discharge) of Godavari

    hope it clarifies ur doubt
  • @Udur @IWRA and others
    Can anyone provide me list of state animals for different States and UTs in India ?
  • @Udur @IWRA and others
    Can anyone provide me list of state animals for different States and UTs in India ?
    It is there on Wikipedia.
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