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WB PSC (WBCS) Corner - Preparation & Strategy



  • How to prepare current affairs for wbcs prelims and mains both?
  • Follow daily newspaper. Like Times of India, the Hindu,the statesman. Note down important topic.
  • From the current trend and pattern and difficulty level of wbcs exam one needs to study CA in complete detail. Just knowing simple facts and figures and solving only q/a are not sufficient. Try to read websites like gktoday, insightsonindia, leadthecomoetition etc on a daily basis and in detailed manner.
  • How to prepare current affairs for wbcs prelims and mains both?
    i have just read wizard and chronicle magazine's monthly updates.. they are covered in just few pages.. it is apart from making notes relevant to all the questions asked in past 10 year question paper wbcs prelims...
  • As per my knowledge, there are 2 parts in current affairs. First one is static and analytical. It is based on how and why?
    Second part is static and factual. It is based on what, who, when and which.
    For the first part, if you are a upsc aspirant, you are good with it due to The Hindu, 9pm daily brief by forumias etc.
    Second part is problematic because it is actually an ocean. I will suggest to go for Achievers magazine and choose what to read and what not to.
    Hope it helps.
  • Guys ny update about wbcs 2015 mains??
  • Guys ny update about wbcs 2015 mains??
    end of February ...
  • Guys ny update about wbcs 2015 mains??
    end of February ...
    Thnk u for u information...dhak dhak going on..:)
  • @VL, Hope_27, Zeeshankhan, Agarwal. guys anyone of you recieved any appointment letter. or any other call related to medical or verification. its almost a month the results of 2014 group a, b have been published. please let me know.
  • @VL, Hope_27, Zeeshankhan, Agarwal. guys anyone of you recieved any appointment letter. or any other call related to medical or verification. its almost a month the results of 2014 group a, b have been published. please let me know.
    No Dear.Intimation will come................Don't be panic stricken................

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