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WB PSC (WBCS) Corner - Preparation & Strategy



  • what should be the cut off for general category students for wbcs 2016?

    i am scoring around 112.made some absolute blunders and lost 5-6 marks.

    although coaching experts are predicting a cut off 100+/-(5).i am not sure about it.
    wbcs has turned much tougher since last year.

    please provide your inputs.

    @feluda @The_Imp @anj @ronnie
    according to me this year cutoff will defntly go down as aginst last years'...nd hoping so it will move around 100....bcoz paper was tough as compared to last years....
  • I am getting 100 :(
  • I m getting about 132, but this time again did a blunder. Sociology as optional would have been better but took history again, which is far less scoring and i understood after writing 2 mains exam
  • Is there any provision to change my optional paper now?
  • Is there any provision to change my optional paper now?
    somebody posted a snapshot of highest marks scored in optionals for 2013.

    urdu,english,bengali,psychology best scores.

    sociology,geography,management,zoology average scores

    history,engineering,chemistry,physics,less than average scores.
  • I am getting 100 :(
    experts predict a score of 100-105 to be safe for general candidates.
    but i am still worried.the whole wbcs business has turned much tougher since last year.
  • Is there any provision to change my optional paper now?
    somebody posted a snapshot of highest marks scored in optionals for 2013.

    urdu,english,bengali,psychology best scores.

    sociology,geography,management,zoology average scores

    history,engineering,chemistry,physics,less than average scores.
    can you give the link to see the snapshot????
  • Is there any provision to change my optional paper now?
    somebody posted a snapshot of highest marks scored in optionals for 2013.

    urdu,english,bengali,psychology best scores.

    sociology,geography,management,zoology average scores

    history,engineering,chemistry,physics,less than average scores.
    can you give the link to see the snapshot????
    it was some coaching institutes facebook page.

    i do not remember it exactly.some one had filed an RTI.

    you can access all the scores now via RTI.
  • edited February 2016
    optional marks
  • edited February 2016
    optional marks
    @ronnie these are out of 400 or I am missing something here.....out of 400, these are really poor marks awarded by wonder to clear cut off we should have exceptional gs

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