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Optional: Civil Engineering Book lists, Strategy & Planning



  • @pheonixias I see CE optional as safety - net. As it never ditches oneself in scores in mains. You can rely on it alone to qualify CSE. If you don't it gives very good options such as ESE or other Jobs. But what it needs is your true commitment, no bluffing. If u do so it will reward you handsomely. As you have lot of time in hand you can go for CE as optional.
  • thanks @NovaStar
    can you tell how much time it takes to get decent command over CE, and are there any good coachin institutes for it?
  • It will take around 5-6 months 6-7 hours daily for decent prep if done on your own with the help of coaching class notes OR standard books.
    2 coaching are in market - Made easy or IESmaster. Both are equally good.
  • @lord r u mentng CSE prelims in ESE DAF ??
    bhai justify kaise karoge ???
    B Singh will tell how to handle this part.....have you joined their Guidance Course?
  • edited October 2015
    hello everyone..... I have also written abot
  • edited October 2015
    hello everyone... i have also written about the civil services pre exam in my DAF... wish i didnt qualify... now i m wondering how i will justify... :/ suggestions please......
  • Hello everyone.

    I am old members of this thread. contribute at times but rarely.
    I cleared ESE 13,then didnt appear again and thought of going after CSE(gave mains in 2014 and missed by narrow margin and this year even failed to clear prelims) as I lacked dedication and spirit like some f you have on this thread.

    Now my present situation is that I am working(9:30-6), after two failures at CSE.
    I feel I should have atleast given another shot at ESE to get a better rank.
    So planning to appear in both ESE and CSE next year.

    Right now my difficulty is how to manage time between the three pillars of preparation.
    1. GS Statics
    2.GS Dynamics-current affairs and all
    3..Civil engineering

    people with experience please guide as to how I should be managing preparation of these three pillar/segment with job @alphaqsecc @lord @Novastar @kingsofthehhead @scofieldmichaels

    @NightFury :please dont leave this thread. Preparing in isolation wont do any good. My personal experience. but still if you do,then best of luck.

    I am planning to be very active on this thread for next one year.Hope some you will too :)
  • and another thing people those you of worried about mentioning civil serive pre etc in ese daf.
    please dont worry.
    even i had filled CAPF in my DAF form when I appeared in ESE interview. I was asked too about it.
    I very frankly said that I aspired to serve country as well as do well professionally and get into best possible service till i exhaust my age limits/attempts. and i felt they liked it as I still managed 130 in interview which was quite decent back then in 2013.

    So those you who have filled cse pre etc. can give the same answer. no harm done. and those who havent make sure you lie very confidently :)
  • edited October 2015
    Great @anks24.

    Firstly, join a good test series for GS. And write periodic tests. This will cover GS part. Focus more on dynamic from now on till 2 months before prelims. Cover Static part just before prelims.

    For Civil Engineering, since you've cracked IES, it reflects your command over the subject. Just cover those areas which were hitherto uncovered by you (Eg. If Steel 2007 code isn't covered, do it & other such topics)

    My sincerest wishes. Best luck with preparation :)
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