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Prelims 2015 GS Discussion/Attempts/Difficulty Level - Question Paper Only



  • @lordcornawallis

    bhai ye naam chunne ke piche karan batao...means out of soo many names y u went for cornwallis...i want to do ur psychoanalysis :D
  • @sunnysingh

    bhai kitna lol lol karte ho har comment me...bak-lol ho kya? :D
  • edited September 2015
    lol...i really laugh at this insider stuff....
    people in here actually belivee that the insiders know the cut off?

    well,good luck believing them...and in some other thread one purported insider is saying cut off 87...

    lol....a blind person would have got 87 in that paper
    many insiders proved earlier with correct cutoff...of course this time its too early..
  • if its really around 87 then kudos to clearias for once again predicting almost correct cutoff..
    they are predicting 87? sure? do u have snapshots/ many have filled data....etc
  • lol...i really laugh at this insider stuff....
    people in here actually belivee that the insiders know the cut off?

    well,good luck believing them...and in some other thread one purported insider is saying cut off 87...

    lol....a blind person would have got 87 in that paper

    Don't degrade blind persons...
  • @lordcornawallis

    bhai ye naam chunne ke piche karan batao...means out of soo many names y u went for cornwallis...i want to do ur psychoanalysis :D
    ha ha..
  • lol...i really laugh at this insider stuff....
    people in here actually belivee that the insiders know the cut off?

    well,good luck believing them...and in some other thread one purported insider is saying cut off 87...

    lol....a blind person would have got 87 in that paper

    Are blind people idiots? I do not understand your reference to disabled in a degraded sense.
  • if its really around 87 then kudos to clearias for once agai/blockquote rel="sunnysingh">lol...i really laugh at this insider stuff....
    people in here actually belivee that the insiders know the cut off?

    well,good luck believing them...and in some other thread one purported insider is saying cut off 87...

    lol....a blind person would have got 87 in that paper
    M wat abt those wid good eyesight
  • cummon guys..i didnt mean it in that way....ok lemme unprepared man could have got 85....better?
  • show some respect to ppl. God has been kind to you, be grateful

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