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Prelims 2015 GS Discussion/Attempts/Difficulty Level - Question Paper Only



  • Chlega nahi..daudega. ;;)

  • Chlega nahi..daudega. ;;)
    :D baba sath me kuch aur?cold drink hard drink?
  • So there was indeed a myth of high cutoff.......
  • gabbarisback to remoce cut off corruption.baki log najar nahi a rahe hain....sham me to ana banta hai ek ghante. :-w
  • what....has clear ias predicted its cut off or not?
  • and vision it seems will never do it..
  • edited September 2015
    maza nahi a raha hai yar [-( no kick nowadayys
  • Consider the following statements followed by two conclusions :
    Statements : Some men are great.
    Some men are wise.
    Conclusion I: Men are either great or wise.
    Conclusion II: Some men are neither great nor wise.

    Which one of the following is correct ?
    (a) Only conclusion I is valid
    (b) Only conclusion II is valid
    (c) Both the conclusion are valid
    (d) Neither of the conclusion is valid
    Isn't it should be B

    what should be the correct answer of it ......

    Simple funda to solve such question:

    Analyze the context of statement ==> Positive/negative/Neutral
    Analyze the probability or certainity.
    Analyze truthness of statement in all possibilities

    In the statement it was not clearly mentioned whether men can ONLY be wise or great, So conclusion 1 is wrong
    In the statement there is no NEGATIVE reflexes, thus conclusion 2 is wrong,As it is not clear what subset of men are neither wise nor great and thus ambiguous. This is not to say that conclusion 2 is wrong in all aspects, but to clarify that conclusion 2 does not hold true for all possibillity
  • Is baar mrunal bhai choop chaap hain..kb hoga oonka sambhodhan..
  • lol...i really laugh at this insider stuff....
    people in here actually belivee that the insiders know the cut off?

    well,good luck believing them...and in some other thread one purported insider is saying cut off 87...

    lol....a blind person would have got 87 in that paper
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