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MPSC prelim 2017 analysis and Cutoff prediction..



  • Useless govt
  • Useless govt
    Very sad.. Regretting for vote them.
    Etkya critical issue war insensitive Pana dakhwat ahet..tyana actually Nokarbharti nakoch ahe mhanun he challay sagala
  • Useless govt
    Very sad.. Regretting for vote them.
    Etkya critical issue war insensitive Pana dakhwat ahet..tyana actually Nokarbharti nakoch ahe mhanun he challay sagala

    Wise men rightly said Don't be careless in your goodtimes ,else it won't last long enough. 2014 was good time for us civil service aspirants. Jasta maaz aala hota ...kela vote,now that vote is giving nightmares in UPSC and here too.

    Learnt value of ONE vote, but hard way !
    Lesson for lifetime !!
  • Useless govt
    Very sad.. Regretting for vote them.
    Etkya critical issue war insensitive Pana dakhwat ahet..tyana actually Nokarbharti nakoch ahe mhanun he challay sagala

    Wise men rightly said Don't be careless in your goodtimes ,else it won't last long enough. 2014 was good time for us civil service aspirants. Jasta maaz aala hota ...kela vote,now that vote is giving nightmares in UPSC and here too.

    Learnt value of ONE vote, but hard way !
    Lesson for lifetime !!
    Jai Maharashtra... 100% satya bhava.... 2019 madhey baghu kase parat yetat te (unless they declare 10,000 posts for upsc & 2000 for mpsc)
  • Useless govt
    Very sad.. Regretting for vote them.
    Etkya critical issue war insensitive Pana dakhwat ahet..tyana actually Nokarbharti nakoch ahe mhanun he challay sagala

    Wise men rightly said Don't be careless in your goodtimes ,else it won't last long enough. 2014 was good time for us civil service aspirants. Jasta maaz aala hota ...kela vote,now that vote is giving nightmares in UPSC and here too.

    Learnt value of ONE vote, but hard way !
    Lesson for lifetime !!
    Jai Maharashtra... 100% satya bhava.... 2019 madhey baghu kase parat yetat te (unless they declare 10,000 posts for upsc & 2000 for mpsc)
    Yes very true, but why not 10K for MPSC ?
  • Reality of Indian political parties today

    तू इस दल में, मैं उस दल में ;
    जनता को डालेंगे दलदल में |

    वो लाएँगें "पकोडें" तल-तल कें ;
    हम खाएँगें हिल मिल कें ||
  • excise subinspector recommendation list still not sent by mpsc to mantralaya
  • @eEveryboby. I think i hvnt filled exam centr.Iforgot my paswrd too n now i hv been tryin since morning to get my newpasword so dat i cud clear my doubt of exam centr.wont i get admit card now? Please help me brothers
  • @eEveryboby. I think i hvnt filled exam centr.Iforgot my paswrd too n now i hv been tryin since morning to get my newpasword so dat i cud clear my doubt of exam centr.wont i get admit card now? Please help me brothers
    Chill will get your exam centre as per your residential address... Nearest exam centre... Your admit card will surely get generated
  • @drmahi89 Thank u so much brother. God Bless !
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