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Prelims 2017 Answer Key - All Sets + Share & Submit Scores to Estimmate Cut Off



  • right to vote is not a constitutional right as per supreme court..AND SUPREME COURT IS FINAL INTERPRETER OF CONSTITUTION. this article is from december 2015.
    That article is based on Rajbala case, which explicitly says constitutional right. In Rajbala case, the two judge bench concur with the opinion of 3 judge bench in PUCL case. In PUCL case, PJ Reddy and another judge agrees to the notion that right to vote is a constitutional right..
  • edited June 2017
    Out of the’ ‘following statements, choose the one that brings out the principle underlying the Cabinet form of Government :
    (a) An arrangement for mimmizing the criticism against the Government whose responsibilities are complex and hard to carry out to the satisfaction of all.
    (b) A mechanism for speeding up the activities of the Government whose responsibilities are increasing day by day.
    (c) A mechanism of parliamentary democracy for ensuring collective responsibility of the Government to the people.
    (d) A device for strengthening the hands of the head of the Government whose hold over the people is in a state of decline.

    For option c, many answer keys and students are considering it right. But what does the highlighted portion in option c tell you. Probably people have overlooked the 'responsibility of the govt' part. This was a question also in one of the previous year's exam, and also people will know it that CoM (means the govt) is collectively responsible to the lok sabha in particular and parliament in general. It further means that this option c in itself is wrong, has been put there to confuse candidates into a trap. Now it's ​anybody's guess as to what would be the right answer to this question. Debates are welcome.
  • Out of the’ ‘following statements, choose the one that brings out the principle underlying the Cabinet form of Government :
    (a) An arrangement for mimmizing the criticism against the Government whose responsibilities are complex and hard to carry out to the satisfaction of all.
    (b) A mechanism for speeding up the activities of the Government whose responsibilities are increasing day by day.
    (c) A mechanism of parliamentary democracy for ensuring collective responsibility of the Government to the people.
    (d) A device for strengthening the hands of the head of the Government whose hold over the people is in a state of decline.

    For option c, many answer keys and students are considering it right. But what does the highlighted portion in option c tell you. Probably people have overlooked the 'responsibility of the govt' part. This was a question also in one of the previous year's exam, and also people will know it that CoM (means the govt) is collectively responsible to the lok sabha in particular and parliament in general. It further means that this option c in itself is wrong, has been put there to confuse candidates into a trap. Now it's ​anybody's guess as to what would be the right answer to this question. Debates are welcome.
    Dekho Chal K Aaya hai 1 aur MAuKA..
    Mauka Mauka....
  • Yeh serious aspirant ki kya definition hoti hai?
    One who defends one's answers forever. :smiley:

    :D :D .. true in such scenario .. jise dekho apna answer sahi batane k liye koi na koi PDF attach kar rha hai..
  • Roman Saini( unacdemy) Predicting 113-117 cutoff
  • Roman Saini( unacdemy) Predicting 113-117 cutoff
    Did he score 147?
  • Roman Saini( unacdemy) Predicting 113-117 cutoff
    Did he score 147?
    147 - 30 = 117 :D
  • Roman Saini( unacdemy) Predicting 113-117 cutoff
    Did he score 147?
    Wait for Shankar IAS cutoff prediction... Unacademy is not such a professional group... even Roman Saini is a rookie player
  • Ho bhi sakta h 113-117 roman saini rookie ho sakta h but vo bewakuff nahi h
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