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Vision IAS Classroom Program Review



  • ^ Fingers crossed !
  • @RK4U Can you share the list of teachers who will be taking classes at Vision IAS?
  • @enricofermi Till now they have shared the name of only two teachers and also there is no concrete plan at place so no idea on the future teachers.
  • Joined Vision last year for testseries.... had good experience.... but this year quality of current affairs notes have degraded a lot
  • anyone having notes
  • @willbenson @RK4U @ all hi , the test series for 2015 mains seems to have the same fee for online as well as classroom(correct me if i am wrong) . Is there any difference between them specially wrt feedback , notes etc. Also how is the test conducted online . i may want to try writing them without time constraint in the beginning before i get into full fledged exam conditions for the sake of confidence as well improving writing standard. Does their online test series allow such flexibility ? :-B
    sorry for bothering with so many questions and thanks in advance.
  • @nathan you should check their website or call office for weekend batch details. Sharing Vision IAS notes is impossible. All of their pdf files are personalized with students email id that makes the sharers identity open. They have paid millions of dollars to their study material developer, how can they let it be shared for free. Someone tried to share it on Orkut, they got it blocked. They are just hysterical about copyright protection. See the fate of Orkut, they have forced Google to shut its operations for sharing Vision IAS study material. You just can't imagine how much powerful and connected they are. If someone tries to share Vision's notes here, they won't mind trying to shut down Forum IAS altogether!

    Word of advice: Silently pay the fee and get their notes.
    Given the above standards , isn't Vision IAS showing real magnanimity by allowing all xerox walas and kitab walas of ORN , MN to sell vision current affairs ?
    PS:- I am respectful of copyrights etc but found the underlined lines severely exaggerated and testing common sense / understanding
  • @RAJ you pointed right. I should have added hypocritical along with hysterical and, what you called exaggerated is satire :)
  • edited September 2014
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