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Vision IAS Classroom Program Review



  • Do they take the fee in installments?
  • @scoobydoo there is no difference b/w online and classroom testseries. If you can't attend classroom discussion of tests, it's video recording will be available
  • @KatnissEverdeen yes, they take fee in installments
  • Attended shubhra mam's class for 2 days. She teaches very slow. She covered British, US,Germany and France constitution in these days and also comprehensive discussion on communal violence bill and recommendations of TRAI on media reforms. Today will attend Harsh sir class for world geography.
  • @singhvinay No class of Geo today. It's all world history today and tomorrow.
  • @singhvinay No class of Geo today. It's all world history today and tomorrow.

    Oh! Thank you.

  • edited September 2014
    Do they have any new batch starting in October? If so, Will it be merged with the July wala batch?
  • Joined Vision last year for testseries.... had good experience.... but this year quality of current affairs notes have degraded a lot
    I second that I too find their current affairs booklet inadequate this time

  • @RK4U still liking the classes? Update us please.. :)
  • @KatnissEverdeen For the last 2 weekends marathon World History classes going on. 5 hours each day. It's history and the teacher is teaching directly from the printed notes.
    Not so satisfactory.
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